Se faz it old fashioned

When in the Eastern Algarve I hear and use “ faz favor” more often than “por favor”. Is the former considered old fashioned?

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I’d say “se faz favor” (which is usually blurted out as if it were a single word - like “fachavor”) is used more often, but both are common and neither is considered old fashioned :slight_smile:


Once I realized how often it was used (around Lisbon as well), I switched to saying it too. It’s a bit less work for my English mouth muscles to say “se fashavor” instead of “por favor”… that closed o, followed by the r and f in the latter phrase is a lot of work! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Just for fun, I’ll drop a couple Rui clips from the Learning Studio below, featuring each phrase in context:

A conta, por favor:

(The bill, please)

Lava as tuas mãos, se faz favor:

(Wash your [informal] hands, please)


I’m on Madeira currently and a local explained to me se faz favor is more among friends or family. In the restaurant or in the supermarket she said you would use por favor.

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