This a great resource, @stephencanthony! Thanks so much for posting! I’ve listened to the first one, and it is really helpful to hear what sounds, to me, like well-spoken Portuguese and to be able to understand a great deal of it! This will be great practice in listening comprehension. And, the subject is fascinating!
Fun fact: José Hermano Saraiva, the speaker in your second video, is (well, was) a highly admired personality in Portugal. His TV programs are great for history nerds. The first video is more recent, though, so it’s got better production value and the journalist speaks more clearly. Seems ideal for practice!
This woman is, apparently, a physiologist of some sort. She has lots of short videos on YouTube and speaks in a clear and relaxed voice, as far as I can tell. There is such a variety of health-related topics, and they can provide lots of listening practice. I can’t vouch for how authoritative they are, but some are interesting.
Thank you for the links to the videos. The woman speaks well, but I cannot understand her. The subject matter apparently is too advanced! Thanks anyway
I just came across another one - available via RTP-Play - Linha da Frente - Just watched a good video on the problems with food waste. (Not) Surprised to learn the Portuguese term for :“Dumpster Diving” is (drum roll)… “Dumpster Diving”
Hah, we really don’t have any good expression for it in Portuguese. But I also don’t ever hear people saying “dumpster diving”… I imagine that the writers/journalists just didn’t find anything better to use.
I’m late to this party but TAP, the Portuguese airline, has a few great safety videos on Youtube. It was great for learning imperatives. Found it quite helpful.
Rather unfair. I have travelled to and from the UK for years with TAP. Much prefer it to British Airways. What would you suggest as an alternative? Ryanair?
TL/DW: Go to - select a news item. Their text summary (in PT-PT) is usually a straight transcript of the video. Read along to the voice-over.
I’ve been watching a lot of his História de Portugal and A Alma e a Gente - For the latter, his voice is noticeably starting to fail in the later episodes (circa 2010), but the earlier ones are clear enough. His shows give a fantastic opportunity to grok dates - because, man, does he rattle them off quickly