CIPLE Exam, Anyone?

So sorry to hear that the exam was so rough for you. And thank you for the heads up on the areas that may be difficult for the rest of us who are planning to take it. At least you now know better where to focus.

My daughter and I are both taking the CIPLE level exam in July (in Leiria) - now less than 3 weeks away. I’ve been using Memrise, “Practice Portuguese”, and “Portuguese with Carla” a lot for the past couple of months to try to brush away cobwebs of my memory and get more used to the conversational speed of the language. We’re going to also take a 5-day semi-intensive course in Lisbon the week before the exam to prepare and then do a little vacationing around the country for a bit before the test. We’re excited and quite nervous about it at the same time. :grimacing:

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Hi, @pmfrancisco! E bem-vindo! Thanks for your comments! I’m sure you will “sail” through the CIPLE successfully, since you not only have a perfect strategy, but also have previous experience with the language and the Portuguese genes! :slightly_smiling_face: We will be very eager to hear about your experience!

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By the way, @pmfrancisco, have you seen the @joelrendall post from May 12 above, where he mentions the Exames De Português CAPLE-UL book?
I obtained a copy of this too late for my exam, but if you haven’t seen it, I think it is potentially helpful. Only the first 32 pages deal with CIPLE, but I think it’s a good resource–and certainly can’t hurt! And, thanks to @joelrendall for telling us about this!


Hi @David2019 - Yes, I had already ordered that book about 3-4 days ago and should be receiving it in the next couple of days. Thank you and thanks @joelrendall for providing the ‘dica’!

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My Portuguese lessons have finished for the summer and our teacher recommended us to listen to RTP Podcasts,5 minutes every day, increasing as our understanding improves. She said not to worry about how little we’ll understand, just repeat and let it sink in. One of my fellow pupils listens just before she sleeps and it seems to sink in to the sub-conscious. I’m going to try it although I know I’ll understand very little. She suggested the group of podcasts “Portugueses-no-mundo”. The key is also to listen to subjects that interest you. All the best.


Bem-vinda, @francesoakley110! Thank you very much for this information! This will be of great help to lots of us who are developing our skills in listening comprehension. I would also like to again express appreciation to @joelrendall, @ruicoimbra, and all the rest of the team for all of the podcasts that they have incorporated and are still incorporating into Practice Portuguese! Not only are these incredibly useful, but also informative and entertaining! :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome, @francesoakley110, and thanks :] And I’d like to join you in that appreciation, @David2019, even though I’m not on the user side. They really work hard!


Thanks David! As we continue to grow, @Joseph ’s help with member support and other odd jobs in the background the last couple years has also been integral to us being able to stay on track, so I’ll deflect some of that appreciate right back onto him as well (although I doubt he’ll accept it since he’s too damn humble for his own good :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:).

Rui and I work hard, but it’s definitely a team effort!


And, indeed, we very much appreciate @Joseph’s quick and freely-given help with correcting our Portuguese language mistakes and other issues! Thank you, @Joseph! :slightly_smiling_face:


I need to second everything that @David2019 said here. Thanks very much @francesoakley110 - I am definitely putting that podcast on my list! I am playing “rapid catch-up” on the lessons, but I find the lessons on Practice Portuguese really-really useful, informative and incredibly entertaining, too! From the long-form podcasts, to the “shorties”, to the “testes verdadeiros”, I find myself not just becoming more familiar and facile with the language, but really laughing at an enjoying the humor and immensely enjoying learning more about the history and culture and legends of the country.

Obrigadissimo @ruicoimbra, @joelrendall, and @Joseph para tudo! :100: :raised_hands:


Olá para tudos!

I am soooooo glad this forum exists!!!
Thank you to everyone for sharing your struggles and to all your very helpful comments, suggestions and recommendations.

I have been studying Portuguese, on and off, for about 2 years now. Even with that, I still find it a very difficult language to learn. I have taken 2 A1 classes: one via distance learning and another one being an actual 4-week course in Lisbon - which I have both, thankfully, passed.

I am currently in Lisbon taking my 4-week A2 course - without having reviewed my A1 (which I should have!).
I also came in during the 2nd week of classes and was thrown off on the first day when the professor spoke in continuous Portuguese. So, not only was I trying to understand what he was saying, but I was also trying to remember my previous A1 lessons. Luckily, I booked private classes in the afternoon to help me catch up. I am now on my 3rd week and the A2 test is in 5 days, which I am not quite confident about passing.

However, more important than passing the school exam is that I pass the CIPLE exam … I have registered for the CIPLE in Lisbon for Sept. this year … and like @David2019 … I am in Panic Mode and anxious. So, I will be back in Lisbon a week before the exam to take a 5-day reviewer course just so I pass this test.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello to you all!
Will try my best to share what I can for everyone.



Bem-vinda, @beth.dizon! Reading about your steps in preparing for the exams is very inspiring! And, yes, you will find a number of us who are very sympathetic, in terms of appreciating the struggles involved. Please let us know how things go with this! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Obrigada @David2019! Eu posso só tentar :slight_smile:
Eu espero disse que corretamente!

Tenha um bom dia!

Bem-vinda, @beth.dizon, e boa sorte com as aulas e exame A2 :slight_smile:

Great to have you with us in the forum, Beth, and thanks for your support! I suppose that your test is tomorrow? Just wanted to wish you a quick “boa sorte!”.

I’m sure many others as well as myself would love to hear how it goes. Sending positive Portuguese vibes in your direction :slight_smile:



ps. if you have time, it might be a good idea to spend a even an hour or so in the Shorties section if you haven’t already, just to get your confidence up a bit in terms of oral comprehension. Here’s a link to the ones we’ve tagged as “easier”.

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Bem vinda e boa sorte em seu teste A2 amanhã, @beth.dizon!

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O meu Deus! :grinning: I just received the results of the CIPLE exam that I took in May! “Suficiente”. That is all I was hoping for! I thought that I had completely “crashed and burned!” This is definitely cause for celebration! :birthday: I hope all the others who recently took the exam will let us know how they fared, also!


Ahh, congratulations! It wasn’t so bad after all :smiley:

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Thank you so much, Joseph, for your help, encouragement and insightful comments! We really appreciate it!


Thank you too! (hiding now)

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