Anyone up for an accountability partner or study group?

Olá! Chamo-me Dino y gostaria de me juntar ao seu grupo, se é possível?
I started learning about two weeks ago and I’d like to put into practice what I’ve learnt.
Muito obrigado, Dino

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Ola, Dino. Bem-vindo! Sim, claro que pode juntar-se ao grupo.
Email me your email address ([email protected]) and I’ll add you to the reminder emails and resource folder.

Looking forward to seeing you on the call!

Bom dia :slight_smile: Chamo-me Hywel. Gostaria de ser parte del grupo. Pode incluir-me por favor? Saludos
[email protected]

Bom dia, Hywel. I’ve added you to the group. You’ll get a reminder email with call details and an invite to our resource folder shortly.


Huhu :)) I would like to connect … wuhoo 1 year later … better slowly then never … I am learning portuguese but I am still a beginner … How are you? Are you in Portugal already? Hope to hear from you … my mail is: [email protected]
All the best … Marie

I hope it isn’t too late to join the group :confused: I have been studying Portuguese for two and a half years but I’m always weak in expressing myself in a foreign language (just like a beginner). I’ll send you an email and see what’s going. Good day

I am and I would like a person to speak to in Tabua or that area. If anyone is available

I am looking for a study partner for a1 level

Hey everyone, thought I’d post a little update.

First, if you would like to join the study group, you’re absolutely welcome to, but please EMAIL me your email address - I’m not having time right now to check posts and I don’t want to miss anyone. My email is [email protected]. If you’ve posted here and haven’t heard back, I’m not ignoring you, just crazy with the move, selling my house, selling a ton of things, packing everything else… it’s a lot for one person. But email me and I’ll do my best to get back to you in a day or so at the latest. Deal?

We’ve been doing some fun activities like crossword puzzles, different games and quizlets, listening/reading/answering questions… lots of different ideas. You do NOT have to be at any particular level to participate - beginners are welcome and we have some more advanced speakers as well.

Second, I LEAVE FOR PORTUGAL THIS WEEK!!! :dancer: :airplane: It’s been a very long process and I’ve been waiting a LONG time for it to happen. I’m in the Caldas de Rainha area, so feel free to connect! One of my biggest motivators for making the move AND doing this group is community, so my door is always open. Once I get a Portuguese phone number, I’m happy to post that here as well. (I’ll just have to remember to do it!!! LOL)

The study group will absolutely continue and I for one will finally have time to get more serious about my studies. So that’s my update. Feel free to reach out and get on our reminder list and get access to our resource folder full of great info and suggestions.



Once I get settled in Portugal I’d be more than happy for a study buddy.
Email me if you’d like to do that: [email protected].

Hi Jana,
I hope you are enjoying Portugal !
I would love to join the group, I will email you my email!


Hi there! I live in NYC and I’ve been learning since the start of the pandemic. I’d love to join a study group to have more accountability, as I’ve been struggling with my study schedule lately.

Hi Ashley,

Great! We’d love to have you.

If you could send me your email, I can add you to the reminders list and the resource folder. My email is [email protected].


Hi Jana,
Do you have room for another member? I"ve been studying for only a few months but would like to start some basic (very basic!) conversation study.


Olà, Lisa -

Sure, we always have room! Send me your email address and I’ll add you to the reminders and the resource folder. My email: [email protected].

We have speakers of all levels, and can usually find some things to keep us all engaged.

Até breve,

Tenho interesse em falar muito básico Portuguese com outros.
Christine Motta

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Olà Christine! Eu também tenho interesse. Eu estou a aprender Português agora mas preciso mais prática.

Desculpa Peter. Acabei de ver isto. Ainda está interessado?

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Sim, ainda estou interessado. Eu moro perto do Santo em Lisboa? E você?

Just a quick update. We ARE still meeting. All levels are welcome. We meet online on Sundays at 5pm Lisbon time, 9am Pacific, noon ET.

If you would like to check out the group, please email me at [email protected] and I’m happy to add you to our reminders list and resource folder, or answer any questions.

Again, we are a mutual support group, all levels, and we generally find some things to do that help everyone. It’s not a class :slight_smile:

Tchau tchau,