Anyone up for an accountability partner or study group?

Hi Sara,
Yes, of course. Just email me your email address - [email protected] - and I’ll add you to the group email list and resources folder. Our next meeting is the 26th at 9am Pacific, noon ET, 5pm Portugal time, with the same link I’ve posted before. I’ll email it with the group email.

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Hi Jana,

I am at a basic level and practising my Portuguese every day. I picked up on your thread - in the forum and am always looking for other opportunities to practice my Portuguese. I reside in Lisbon, Portugal. If you could add me to the group email list and resources folder? I know I am late in joining but been very busy. Kind regards,

Hi Michael,
Happy to have you join us. Just send me your email address and I can add you to everything.
[email protected]

I’m doing fairly well in my intermediate personal studies. But, I want to make it harder! If anyone could help me with my goal to be far more confident with a study group or something :smile: I’d appreciate it. I’m in England so NO time difference.

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Hi Tia,
You’re welcome to join us! We break out into different levels to work on projects like daily conversations.
If you’re interested, email me with your email address and I can add you to the group. We meet Sundays, 5pm Portugal/UK time.
My email: [email protected].

Ola a todos!

I’m a masters student in Lisbon and I started practice portuguese since Oct 2020. I’m looking for people to practice speaking portuguese with.

Is there a virtual speaking group that I can join? If there isn’t, would anyone like to practice with me?


@misselletea, I moved your post to this topic, where regular group sessions are organized. Scroll up to check out the previous posts :slight_smile:

Muito obrigada Joseph! :slight_smile:

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This sounds like great fun!

Can you add me to mailing list please - [email protected]

Hey Jana, this thread seems to have garnered quite a bit of support. I’d be interested in practicing as well. I will send you an email for when you will be having another zoom meeting .


I’m also a masters student in Lisbon as well.

Have you founded a practice partner as yet?

I just moved to Portugal in December and have been struggling to learn the language.

Heya @danielgreen.k,

I’ve emailed Jana too and received information about their speaking group. I’m hoping to join them this week! Hope to see you there too?

Ola Jana! I don’t think my wife and I are quite ready so I’ll check back with you in another month or two. Just saying a quick hello as I lived in the Oregon area for about 6 years. Vancouver, and Salem for about 5-6 years. Loved it there, though was I see it’s becoming a little weird! I left in 2001! Brock and my wife Linda.

We plan on moving to the Algarve in 2022 and can’t wait!!

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We break out into different levels, so feel free to jump in whenever you’re ready. It’s a great place to practice, find new resources and also connect with those already living in Portugal. We have a couple of native speakers in the group, too. Let me know when you’re ready to start.

Ola Jana,

Is it still possible to join that group. I am learning portugues quite a long time but I need to speak. I would appreciate it to be part .
Hope to hear from you. Elke

Hi Elke,
Sure you can join. We have a meeting tomorrow. I need your email in order to send you the invite, or there is a link if you scroll up to prior posts. We meet at 9am Pacific, noon ET, 5pm Portugal time.
Send me an email so I can add you to the resource folder, etc.: [email protected].

Ola Todos!

For those of you still looking for a study group and not able to attend our Sunday meetings, I’m putting together a second group that will meet during the week. If you’d like to vote on times, go here:

It SHOULD show in your local time, so you can just select all the days/times that could work for you. Ignore the dates for now.

If you’d like to be added to the study group reminders, email me your email address at [email protected].


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Ola Jana! I will email you now to get on your list. I’m hoping for a study group in the late morning on a weekend, but all the times/days seem to be in the evening (Lisbon time), but will try to make one. Muito obrigada!

Ola Todos,

The Portuguese Club study group now has two meeting times:

Sundays @ 9am Pacific, noon ET and 5pm Portugal time
Thursdays @ 11am Pacific, 2pm ET, 7pm Portugal time

Please email me: [email protected] if you’d like to be added to the reminder email list and google resource folder, or you can click the zoom video link in this thread and check it out.

We share resources, discuss different topics at different levels, and support each other to improve our proficiency, so if that sounds good, come check it out!



Hi Charlotte!

I live just 5 minutes away from you :)! Let me know if you are still up for a little study group :)!

All the best,