A new idiomatic phrase today

“Ter olho de lince” - to have the eyes of a lynx

Usage - this in one of Facebook comments in response to an RTP Notícias posting regarding the annulment of some of the statements and claims brought in a legal case involving the former Portuguese Prime Minister José Sócrates.

“Das duas uma ou o Ministério Público cometeu uma gaff ou o Sr. Juiz tem olho de lince.”

Interestingly, that usage seems to have two different idiomatic phrases in it: “Das duas uma” (essentially, “of these two options, one of them must be true”) and "o Sr. Juiz tem olho de lince (“the judge has the eyes of a lynx”).

Now I might hazard a guess as to what that second phrase is meant to say, but I would rather know it for sure. Can anyone provide any clarity? Also, have you come across any new phrases to share recently?


Oh, yes. “Ter olhos de lince” is to have a very sharp eye, like eagle eyes. For this particular judge, it must mean having a keen eye for legal details or loopholes that give him ground to make questionable decisions that always seem to be suspiciously convenient to a few select people :no_mouth: “Das duas uma” is perfectly described!