When to capitalize proper nouns?

I’m seeing different opinions all over for when or if to capitalize the names of months, days, countries, cities, nationalities, people, etc… Does Practice Portuguese have the final word on this?

@gerrit, chronological names (months, days, seasons) are not capitalized in Portuguese and neither are nationalities. Given names for a country, city, region, entity/institution or person must be capitalized. Cardinal directions are not capitalized per se, only when indicating an actual region. That is, ‘norte’ for the general direction, but ‘Norte’ if we’re talking about Northern Portugal, for example. Titles such as ‘doutor’, ‘senhora’ or ‘padre’ do not need to be capitalized either, but they often are out of courtesy. I think that about sums it up :slight_smile:

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Thank you, @Joseph, this is perfect!

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