Hi there. What is the best way to translate “I came to fill a prescription please” or “I would like to fill a prescription please” or “May I fill this prescription here please”. I never know what polite phrase is the most common that people use here in Portugal at a pharmacy when they bring a prescription from a doctor. Any help would be appreciated.
I am not a native speaker but I have had a prescription filled, albeit in Brazil, not Portugal. I would say, "Me pode expedir esta receita, por favor? That worked for me in that case; but perhaps a native speaker from Portugal can give a better reply.
Cool. I’ll give that a go!
The verb “levantar” is usually used to request a prescription be filled
Levantar a receita = to fill a prescription
I would say (as per my learning to date & Practice Portuguese learning)
Venho levantar esta receita
Or this may sound more polite:
Queria levantar esta receita, por favor.
Cool, I’ll try that one too.
@ausdemnorden, aviar or, as @katsire said, levantar We would not use expedir in this context in Portugal.
Great! Thank you. I had never seen the verb aviar before until now. I will give that a go this week! I appreciate it, cheers