The verb Dar. Different uses

What are the different ways the verb Dar is used when not meaning ‘give’?

@lannybezant, the list is long! This topic is actually on our list of future content ideas. Here’s what I can think of right now:

To happen

  • O evento deu-se há um mês. (The event happened a month ago)

To find/meet by chance

  • Quando cheguei, dei com ele a dormir. (When I arrived, I found him sleeping)
  • Dei com a Joana no Porto ontem! (I met Joana in Porto yesterday!)

To hit

  • As pessoas dão com a cara na porta de vidro. (People hit their faces on the glass door)

To describe possibilities, uses, etc

  • Dá para ir por aqui? (It is possible to go this way?)
  • O carro dá para cinco pessoas. (The car can fit five people)
  • Esta pizza não dá para todos. (This pizza isn’t enough for everyone)

To lead to / to face

  • A janela dá para a serra. (The window faces the mountains)
  • A porta dá para a rua principal. (The door opens to the main street)
  • A avenida vai dar à praia. (The avenue leads to the beach)
  • Essa abordagem não vai dar em nada. (That approach won’t lead anywhere / won’t work)

To air

  • A novela todas as noites. (The soap opera airs every night)
  • A música na rádio constantemente. (The song airs on the radio constantly)

To start / to do something

  • Deu-lhe para fazer birras todos os dias. (He/she started throwing tantrums every day)
  • Deu-te para dançar, agora? (You felt like dancing, now?)
  • O que é que te deu? (What got into you? What’s the matter with you?)

To get along

  • Nós damo-nos muito bem. (We get along very well)
  • Os meus cães não se dão [bem]. (My dogs don’t get along with each other)

…and it goes on, I’m afraid.


This is so useful, Joseph. Thank you so much. Wow! So many uses of dar! I suppose it’s a bit like the different ways we use ‘put’ in English. Well worth a whole unit to itself.

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Yes, it’s quite a versatile verb. Glad this helps!