Tempo ou horas - are they interchangeble?

hi guys, quick question:

are there any rules regarding the use of these 2 words? Are there any situations where one is prefered over the other or where they are absolutely not interchangeble
Eu completo o meu trabalho a tempo/horas ?
Estou a chegar a tempo/horas?
o comboio parte a horas/tempo?
Eu tenho de chegar a horas/tempo?

just a few examples above where I am wondering what to do…

Elas conversam o tempo todo - in this case I got the feeling that you can’t use horas… right?

“A tempo” and “a horas” (always fixed phrases with the preposition “a”) are very similar, but not identical. “A horas” simply means “on time”, while “a tempo” is more like “in time [for X/before X]”.

  • Hoje saí de casa a horas. (Today I left home on time)
  • Entrámos mesmo a tempo. (We got in just in time)
  • Não vou chegar a tempo de ver o jogo. (I won’t arrive in time to watch the game)