Seeking guide to our upcoming scouting trip

Dear members,

We just booked the flight to go to Portugal starting Oct 5 for a 6-week trip. We want to move there and this trip will be a test (to see if Portugal is for us).

I am reaching out for a few things:

(1) Any members already in Portugal free to meet and chat in person while we are there?
(2) We want to visit all areas but north of Coimbra. Basically, we are seeing (in the following order) Lisbon, Setubal, Algarve, side trip to Seville, back to Silver Coast south, Silver Coast central, and Silver Coast North. The goal is to get a sense of what it’s like to live there. I am hoping to hear from you guys about what we need to look out for while making arrangements for this, such as towns to stay in, local events that we might want to participate, etc.
(3) We will be spending time looking at real estate as well. Does anyone have good realtors in mind?

I know this is really a broad post but any feedback would be appreciated.

Thank you all


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I would suggest to get onto the FB page SCOH (Silver Coast Our Home) you might get all the answers you need. Give it a try. There is also an Expat Portugal FB page with useful information all from people who usually lived here for a long time.

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Dear Karl
Your trip sounds very exciting. I would like to recommend Carlos Rosa and his agency Esfera Real
Not only is he extremely well connected with all manner useful aspects of creating a new life in a foreign land, but he and his team are extremely afable and willingly help with any issues or queries that you need to resolve. His site is a bit difficult to navigate but please do not be put off, he is really worth making contact with. His agency is based in Pedrógão Grande - but his properties stretch well beyond the town and its environs.
Best wishes - Rachel

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hi there, thx very much for the recommendation. I will for sure check it out.


Found them, joined 2 groups already. Thanks very much
