Recording self in Learning section for pronunciation practice

I really like the “Listen to the phrase, then record yourself by clicking the microphone below:” in the “Learning” section but I skipped quite a few when it wasn’t conveniente to talk (or my microphone wasn’t working). It would be nice to be able to have these available separately so that I can eventually work specifically on my pronunciations.


Good point, I agree! This is definitely something we’re considering, so I will add your vote. :slightly_smiling_face:


You can add my vote too. I’ve often thought it would be good to go back and just practice pronunciation!


I would like to vote yes, too!!


Oh, oh, oh… and if this ever becomes a reality, it would be great to incorporate somehow that lesson on Open and Closed vowels that Rui made. It is a really great page and it would be excellent if we had a way to see and practice the sounds of different verbs with these sounds.


I know this is an old topic, but I want to vote for this feature. I was just thinking, in addition to audio review and flashcards, it would be nice to be able to use Smart review to record my own voice and compare to the native speaker.

For example, I would like to clear out my smart review, select a lesson I am interested in, such as Clitic Pronouns, add all the phrases from there to my Smart Review, then create a session of Pronunciation from that “deck”.

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Another vote here for more access to recording and comparing.


I know I’m late to the party, but if votes are still being tallied then I would like to add mine for a feature specifically to practice/learn/improve pronunciation.

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Adding another vote for this! Would absolutely love to see a Pronunciation section in the Practice options.

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I liked this feature (the speak and get feedback) too. I’ve noticed the detailed feedback has disappeared. I still get the % I was correct, but the old detailed ‘this is what we heard’ was very helpful. I imagine this was a costly feature to have, but any chance it’s coming back in the future? Obrigada!

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