Pronunciation of mãe

I came across the Portuguese word for mother in unit 2 and have practiced pronouncing it ever since. Despite my daily efforts, I struggle to nail it.

Are there any tricks for saying mãe correctly?

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Perhaps this will help. If you keep repeating the word ‘why’ and then switch the letter ‘w’ with ‘m’ and repeat that, it should sound like you’re saying Mãe :slight_smile:

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@kareemdjerdjouri, adding to @Carolina’s comment above, the last step would be to nasalize the word, as if you were trying to pronounce the ‘ng’ sound but without fully pronouncing the ending consonant. Something like mayng, if that even makes sense :smile: It takes practice!


I always say that it’s as though you want to say the word “mine,” but without actually fully arriving at the ‘n’ sound.