Pronunciation of humido

I thought an accent on a vowel moved the stress onto that vowel from where it might otherwise be (say penultimate vowel) but with humido with accent on the u, the stress is still on the i. I’m confused.

Where are you hearing it with the “i” stressed? I always hear “U-mi-do”, with the stress definitely on the first syllable. Not u-MI-do. For instance, toward the bottom of this lesson

I can’t remember what made me check but I checked it on pp translate. I had always pronounced it with the emphasis on the first vowel and this threw me into confusion. If you put humido in as Portuguese (I can’t add an accent) it gives pronunciation with stress on the I. English to Portuguese puts accent on and emphasis on the u. It would be really useful for accented letters to appear on the screen as this is why the inconsistency arises.

It’s definitely stressed on the first syllable, as confirmed by @mstsuzanne :slight_smile: If you’re typing the word into the translator without the accent, it’s probably being thrown off by that and generating an inaccurate speech output. This guide might help: How to Type Portuguese Accents on an English Keyboard | Practice Portuguese

I checked it on google translate and although there is no mistake about the accent being on the u, I am amazed to find it written without an H… Is that the (google =) Brazilian version?

thanks Joseph, I’ll check that out. Thanks for your help.

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@Rijk, yes, Brazilians write it without the H :slight_smile:

I think so, mine is set to European Portuguese and includes the h but puts the emphasis in the i, just to confuse things! As if Portuguese pronunciation isn’t difficult enough! :blush: