Pronúncia dos verbos

It appears that there are no recordings for some of the verb forms at

I don’t think it is my internet service.

Feature or bug or my problem?

I’ve clicked on a handful of the verbs, and there was pronunciation for the ones I happened to pick. But that doesn’t guarantee that there is for all of them.

Could you list a couple of the verbs for which you don’t hear any recording on that page?

On that page above:
ele ouve, você ouve, vocês ouvem
Tu pedes, você pedem, vocês pedem

Some of the other example verbs have no recordings as well.

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I also don’t get any sound for any of the ones you mentioned. So it’s not you or your internet service.

This morning I had the same issue for a phrase in the smart reviews. I logged an error and included a link to this forum post.

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Olá! We recently made some adjustments to the Verbs section and we are still working on generating the audios for many of the verb conjugations. Should be added pretty soon, sorry about that in the meantime. As for the other phrase that you contacted us about, I just generated audio for it. Please email us again if you notice any other phrases with missing audio in Smart Review.

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Thank you very much @Molly

Obrigado @Molly e Tomas!

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