Prazer conhecer-los

Ola a todos! I’m an applied linguist from the U.S. who studies language learning, particularly through technology, and at the same time a (hmmm … let’s say high-elementary) learner of Portuguese, hence my screen name. I married a wonderful Portuguese woman 16 years ago but have waited until now to make a serious effort to learn the language, while we’re doing a one-year sabbatical in Porto. I can’t believe my good fortune to have such a terrific resource as Practice Portuguese to help me on my “jornada de aprendizagem.”



Hello and welcome here :slight_smile:
Applied Linguistics - great, that wakes up my old brain.

I worked in this domain, before retirement.
In Switzerland, german speaking part of that multilingual country (it’s NOT Sweden).

One of my topics was (and still is) L2 = learning a second, third, fourth … language.
Since our kids grow up in a country with 4 official languages, they have to learn other languages beside their mother tongue.

cu :slight_smile:

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Olá, @ProfessorCaloiro and welcome! Enjoy your time in beautiful Porto :slight_smile:

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Thanks, Joseph! Appreciate all you folks do for us members!

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