Portuguese verb Pretender

How and when to use the verb Pretender. I have not come across it in the unit lessons but have seen it used in some dialogues.

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Pretender corresponds to the verb to intend, so you’d use it in all contexts where to intend would apply. The only trick with this verb is not mistaking it for the verb to pretend (fingir) - otherwise, it’s straightforward.

  • O que pretendes fazer? = What do you intend to do?
  • O prisioneiro pretendia escapar. = The prisoner intended to escape.

This verb is used a few times throughout this Shorty : Um Jantar A Dois in the context of ordering at a restaurant. Both the waiter and the customer use it as a very formal way of saying “We would like…” or “Would you like…?”. But more literally it would be something like “We intend to order…” and “Do you intend to order…?”

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Thank you Joseph and Molly for replying. I agree Molly that it seems to be used in situations where I would use Eu quero or Eu gosto.


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