Olá Amigos!
Does anyone know if there is a Portuguese talk radio station that is accessible in the U.S?
I would love to be able to just put that on while driving or doing other things.
Olá Amigos!
Does anyone know if there is a Portuguese talk radio station that is accessible in the U.S?
I would love to be able to just put that on while driving or doing other things.
Hey! I’m not sure about radio stations from Portugal, but there a few radio stations in the U.S. which broadcast in Portuguese. This one might be the biggest: http://www.wjfd.com/
You can also use TuneIn (available on pretty much every platform, even Alexa) to stream many Portuguese radio stations. Here’s a list: https://tunein.com/radio/Portugal-r101286/
(Note – you may have to close the big obnoxious “install our app!!” pop-over that they’ve tastefully placed over the entire page, in order to see the list).
I’m not sure which of those are specifically talk radio, but worth checking out.
Also, RTP has lots of podcasts. Definitely challenging, but I think it’s helpful as long as you are patient with yourself, understand as much as you can (even if it’s only a third!) while letting the rest float by. There’s still lots that I don’t understand, but there’s more shame in not trying at all!
I look forward to understanding a third of what is being said
Obrigada Joel! I will get started with these today!
hi @csflutist
I recommend TSF and Antena 1. These are the ones that have less music and longer news pieces. It’s every hour and takes about 8 to 10 minutes.
Obrigada, Diogo!!!
You could listen to 97.3 on your car radio if you’re in southern New England!
Which I do. It’s hard as hell to understand. They all sound like my grandpa.
Olá. A minha programa favorita da musica no rádio é Terra dos Sonhos com Susana Cristina José www.896fm.pt no Rádio Antena Livre Gouveia, de sugunda a sexta feira das, 18 ás 20 horas. Pode procurar também no Mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/susana-cristina-josé/terra-dos-sonhos-070619/?fbclid=IwAR1FY631yu7zQktUuZKO8yzTmIzxK396sP2I3N4pWkoXZt-Y9WnNgZ0crOA . Há uma gravaçoa cada dia.
Ela toca uma mistura de familiar, e novos; e muitos cantos portuguêses! A banda semana passada foi R.E.M. e como sempre, a Susana Cristina explica porque esta banda tive importância histórica. Isto ajuda me, porque eu sei do que ela talvez dizia e posso escutir e antecipar isso.
Gosto da voz dela porque é baixo e rico. Ela fala devagar e bem enuciado. Ela dá muito notícias do tempo e também notícias de bandas e lugares para ouvir-ihes. Como o David Fonseca quem tocou ontem a noite em Gouveia.
Bem vinda, @judyhill, e obrigado pela recomendação! Para te ajudar, fiz algumas correções à tua mensagem, como faço em muitas ocasiões
Com tu fazes correções às vezes é ainda mais como a Practice Portuguese um no um. Obrigada, Joseph por me ajudas.
De nada, @judyhill, estou cá para isso
Would you mind translating to English these last two entries. I did not understand Judyhill’s comment and not sure how you used “ca” Joseph. Obrigado.
Sure, @hscharnhorst. I’ll also correct Judy’s last post, then, since I didn’t do it before. That might help you understand it better.
(contigo = com + tu)
Translation: With you making corrections, sometimes it’s even more like Practice Portuguese one on one. Thank you, Joseph, for helping me.
Translation: You’re welcome, judyhill, I’m here for that.
I could’ve also said “Estou aqui para isso”. Here’s more on aqui vs. cá, and other adverbs of place: https://www.practiceportuguese.com/learning-note/adverbs-of-place-aqui-ca-ai-la-ali-acola/
Obrigado, Joseph! re the word “ca” really threw me for a loop. “Estou aqui para isso” makes more sense to me. I have just gotten exposed to the word “ca” in the lessons and I am still shaky on it. I find that each time I get too many new words, it takes a while to absorb them. And sometimes usages are very many, so that adds to the problem. Anyway, muito obrigado por me ajudares!
De nada, @hscharnhorst!