Portuguese conversation meet up group in Porto?

I am looking for a meet up group for conversation practice group in Porto near Boavista. Thanks.

We’d be interested too; will be in Braga in late May/early June…

Olá! I’ve only lived in Porto since August so my Portuguese is not great, but I’d love to meet up for conversation practice. :blush:

Great! Arrive 7 April. Can send contact information and touch base then. Staying in Boavista.

Hi there!
I love to practice my Portuguese, let me know if coming up with something! Thanks!

Hi I’m in Vila do Conde anyone interested to meet up to converse. Can also go to Porto

I can meet up in Porto for a group conversation

Hi, I’d love to meet up for some Portuguese conversation practice. I’m in Viana but can meet up in Porto.

Hello! I also live in Vila do Conde (Caxinas area) and would like to find a conversational group. Have you found any?

I am also in Vila do Conde and would be interested.

Hello Christine! Awesome! What level do you think you are at? I technically got my A1 about 3 years ago but never went back to get the A2. So I’m assessing my options, but in the meantime I’m self-studying. If you’re interested in meeting for coffee sometime just let me know.

Sorry for the delayed reply; I found your response in with the spam. I have been self studying, with limited actual speaking. I finished the Practice Portuguese A1 lessons and am about half way through A2. I force myself to go into shops and businesses and ask for things in order to get some practice, but it would be good to just try to converse with others and compare notes! I know that the Emes Café owner is very receptive to giving space to a conversation group at her café. Maybe we could get something started there?

Sounds great! I am about the same boat. Getting through Practice Portuguese, and preparing for an intensive 8-week certification course starting in September. But in the meantime I want to practice my daily conversation. Over coffee (or wine) is always more relaxing and fun. Have you ever used MeetUp? I have a few groups I run from there very successfully. I figured we (you and I) could start meeting but broadcast it out to see what type of interest there is in the immediate area. Thoughts?

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I know of MeetUp, but haven’t used it. That sounds like a great approach though. I’d like to hear more about the intensive course, too.

Olá todos, has anything come together? This sounds like fun!

Hello everyone.
Anyone interested in a Zoom group for conversational practice?
I live in Vila Nova de Gaia.

Hello! I am also interested in a zoom conversational meeting in case you arrange something