Portugal and Covid-19: Fears, Comments, Thoughts

Thank you David2019 for your kind remarks. Worrying times but have to try and look on the bright side.
Stay safe.

Ah! A piada foi muito clara, eu só não percebi que era feijão com molho de tomate, em vez de feijão e molho de tomate (um produto combinado, não dois produtos separados). :slight_smile: Obrigado.

Hi all! I very much appreciate the comments in this post, and thanks for creating it, @David2019. I agree that we don’t want to turn this into another chaotic Facebook, but as language learners, residents/appreciators of Portugal, and an overall intelligent community of great people, I think threads in this forum could be useful and a bit different than what you’d find elsewhere.

I wanted to chime in here with regards to the tough decision of whether or not to include coronavirus-themed content on our site. On one hand, no one should turn to us as a source of news on the topic, but as it’s something that is affecting everyone’s daily life, we also don’t want to ignore it completely.

@Molly has been working carefully and thoughtfully with our Shorties writers to come up with some articles and dialogues that you’ll start to see coming out over the next few days.

We will start tomorrow with a simple article with an overview of the coronavirus, just as a vehicle for learning some of the important vocabulary, (although @David2019 has already done an excellent job of putting together a list in his post above, obrigado!)

We also have some Shorties coming up that focus more on the daily life of different characters in quarantine and helping neighbours etc. Our goal is to have the content be thoughtful and very relatable, while doing our best to stay away from the politics and fear that surrounds the pandemic. We want people to feel that PP contributes something positive to their life, but that doesn’t mean we need to avoid the theme completely, nor make too much light of this serious situation. Hopefully you’ll find we’ve struck a good balance!

For those of us who would prefer we avoid the topic completely, don’t worry – most of the upcoming Shorties aren’t corona-related.

Lastly, since hopefully most of you are spending as much time at home as possible and have extra time on your hands, we have increased our Shorties launch schedule from the previous 2-3 per week to 7 (daily), at least for the next while (or until we run out of money :joy:)

We are very lucky to be a business that is run by remote freelancers, so not much will change. As a member, you are currently supporting about 10 incomes that rely either partially or entirely on PP. We will keep working hard for you throughout this challenging time to support your European Portuguese learning goals.

As they’re saying, “fiquem em casa!”


Very sensible Joel…except for the f reference!

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Hi, @joelrendall

This is a wonderful assessment and evaluation of the issue that you have come up with and presented here! It is the most sensible approach imaginable, and thanks for deciding to take this action!

At the time I thought about including the coronavirus topic, there was nothing at all, so there were probably more members than just myself who were wondering if or how it should be handled in the Forum, since it was something drastically affecting Portugal.

I am completely supportive of how you are deciding to handle the topic and, once again, many thanks to all of the PP crew for their remarkable efforts and product! :slightly_smiling_face:

Muito obrigado!


fiiiiine I’ll edit it :innocent:

Call me old fashioned Joel…!
Go safe all you folk at PP.

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There is a lot of mis-information doing the rounds so this may or may not be so BUT, because it suits me to believe that my moderate daily consumption of Portuguese wine and Maciera here in Blighty, may help ward off the dreaded virus, I have decided to refer the reader especially to the very last para in the report.

En relación a la emergencia del COVID-19, la Federación Española de Enología ha recibido numerosas solicitudes de los miembros y otras categorías profesionales sobre diversas cuestiones, entre ellas la contaminación del vino, la contaminación de los envases, la limitación de los efectos del vino en la acción del virus.

A este respecto, con la debida precaución, debido a que se trata de un nuevo virus, FEAE, tras un debate con importantes representantes de la comunidad médica y otras asociaciones internacionales de enólogos, señala lo siguiente:

La supervivencia del virus en el vino parece imposible porque la combinación concomitante de la presencia de alcohol, un ambiente hipotónico, y la presencia de polifenoles, impide la vida y la multiplicación del propio virus.
La contaminación por el embalaje parece ser muy remota, si no estadísticamente inexistente, también en vista de la corta vida del virus y la ausencia de un positivo huésped vivo «biológico».
El consumo moderado de vino, vinculado al consumo responsable, puedo contribuir a una mejor higiene de la cavidad bucal y la faringe, esta última zona donde anidan los virus durante las infecciones.

For those few of you who need it here is the English translation thanks to Google.
n connection with the emergence of COVID-19, the Spanish Federation of Enology has received numerous requests from members and other professional categories on various surveys, including contamination of wine, contamination of packaging, limitation of wine effects. in the virus action.

In this regard, with due caution, due to the fact that it is a new virus, FEAE, brings back a debate with important representatives of the medical community and other international associations of winemakers, as follows:

The survival of the virus in wine seems impossible because the concurrent combination of the presence of alcohol, a hypothetical environment, and the presence of polyphenols, imposes life and multiplication of the virus itself.
The contamination by packaging appears to be very remote, if it is not statistically non-existent, also in view of the short life of the virus and the absence of a positive “biological” living person.
The moderate consumption of wine, linked to responsible consumption, can contribute to a better hygiene of the oral cavity and the pharynx, the latter area where viruses are infected during infections.

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Graças a este confinamento actual eu estou a aprender como utilizar Whatsapp.

Eu ajudo o meu neto fazer os trabalhos de casa -ele envia-me Imagens do livro dele e nós falamos por teléfono (Whatsapp). Eu ensino-lhe francês e matemática e ele ensina-me como utilizar Whatsapp!

Outro coisa que estou a fazer é pintar a nossa mesa e cadeiras do jardim. Eles são muito velhas e eu ia quiemá-los, mas todas as lojas estão fechados e não posso comprar outras. Encontrei umas latas velhas de tinta no garagem e estou a pintar as cadeiras - cada cadeira um cor diferente.

Due to this lockdown I have learnt how to use Whatsapp. My grandson sends me pictures of his homework questions and I help him - I teach him French and Maths and he instructs me how to use Whatsapp on my wife’s phone :grinning:.

I’ve also been painting the garden table and chairs. I was about to get rid of them but now I can’t buy any garden furniture or materials to build new ones. I found some old tins of paint of various colours and now the garden is starting to look like a hippies commune.


I’m really glad to be living in Portugal – things generally seem much calmer than the UK, where the press is having a field day with hysterical headlines and the mood is turning ugly.

There has been some very irresponsible reporting, and I thought I would share the following links in case they are helpful in providing a more balanced view. Please censor this post if it’s inappropriate, but I am concerned that the combination of isolation and panic is going to do people more harm than the virus itself.

^^ Updated link from the sightly nutty “Swiss Doctor” one to a BBC report that is much better.

Olà @alison

Eu não posso concordar que o humor na Inglaterra é ‘feio’ e não concordo com o artigo do dia 14 Mar 2020.

No dia 14 Mar os cientistas britânicos também pensaram que o virus era fraco e devemos permitir que o virus se espalhe para que desenvelvomos ‘herd immunity’. Depois eles se deram conta que haveria 250,000 mortes sem a intervenção do governo.

Para mim, me-intereso na situação em França porque eles são nossos vizinhos e tenho amigos em França. Até à data, morreram 24 médicos de Covid-19 e ontem uma joven de 16 anos (without underlying medical conditions) morreu.

Keep safe, Patrick (with a little help from Google translate)


Já é o tempo para descansar. Mas, não é possível. Devo trabalhar.

Acordo-me às 4h30 de manhã e tomo um café. Quando bebo, leio os jornais. Leio com medo e um sento de temor. Leio também alguns jornais portuguêses. Apôs, veio ás noticias de RTP, principalmente 3 ás 10. Tento fazer exercisios na minha veranda. Está antes de nacer do sol. Está escura. A minha vizinha tem o opiniâo que estou louco. Tento esquecer COVID19. Não é possível. Fica em toda parte.

De 2º a 6º, começo trabalhar às 8h30. No entanto, antes de começo, faço um trajeto de 20 minutos. O transito é menos do que era. Para o trajeto, ando a pé. Parto de casa e regresso a casa. Já no trabalho

Eu teletrabalho até 16h30 (mais ou menos), almoço por 20 minutos cerca de maio dia. O teletrabalho é mais intensivo do que trabalho do escritorio. Por isso, depois de 8 horas de trabalhando, estou cansado. Usamos Microsoft Teams para encontrar. E na 5º, encontramo-nos para Virtual Happy Hour. Muitas contas e risos. Mas é diferente, só rostos na ecrã e umas vozes electrónicas pela earbuds.

Às noites, toco guitarra e tento descansar. Deito-me às 20h. Mas durmo inferiormente com sonos disagredável.

Então – Groundhog Day


Em Fevereiro, fomos ao Porto. Visitámos Viana do Castelo e também Vila do Conde. Teríamos querido visitar Ovar para ver a desfile de Carnaval.

Acho que estávamos com sorte. O dia de Grand Corso Carnavalesco estava com chuva. Não gostamos de sentar em fora na chuva. Então, não fomos.

Há 4 semanas e Ovar e Nova Orleans (dos EUA) têm tido muitos casos de COVID-19. Acho que a doença era espalhar nas multidões da gente nos cidades por causa das festas.

Talvez estaria com a doença salvo chovia.

Eis algumas correções, @stephencanthony :slight_smile:

Portugal is being relatively spared, so far. The climb in the number of cases has been slow. However, these next few weeks, the number of critical and dead patients might get scary. Meanwhile, I hope none of you has gone mad with the quarantine yet!


Given I wrote both of the above mostly off the top of my head with little/no reference to my study notes, I’m surprised I was so close. All the reading must be starting to pay some dividends. Thank you for the corrections as always.

Not too bad here, sanity-wise. #fiqueemcasa !!!


Eu sonhava com ir a Portugal ou a Espanha e agora sonho com ir ao ‘pub’.

It is good to see that Portugal is so relatively little affected by the virus, especially with the close proximity to Spain. I saw a report on the French news that Portugal took action 2 weeks before Spain.

I had an email from some friends in Portugal to say that their family had had the virus but fortunately they have recovered OK.

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Relative to population Patrick I am not sure that they are doing that well… Look at the deaths per 1 million pop.
Spain, Italy are so far off the scale it is hard to know why.
Serious times! No time for compacency.

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Hi Mac, according to these figures


Portugal have 26 deaths per million against 251 for Spain.

I agree it’s no time for complacency but it shows what early prevention can do.

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Same stats that I was referring to.
There needs to be an explanation re Spain and Italy.
They are really crazily out of line
Portugal are in a league with USA, Sweden, Denmark, Monaco, Ireland, Austria but half that of UK.
Could Portugal’s advantage be the rural nature of much of the country?
Could Spains disadvantage be as a major tourist destination?

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Uma carta da inglaterra.

Depois de trés semanas sem sair a casa, eu sinto que eu não mais parte disto mundo. Visto que a minha esposa e eu somos classificado vulnerávais, temos de ficar em casa o tempo tudo. Que chato! O meu mundo contem quatro paredes e um jardim.

Mas não é tudo más . Na Inglaterra, estamos a desfrutar de bon clima nesta altura. O sol está a brilhar desde a madrugada até o pôr do sol e a temperatura fica muito agradável. ( O meu filho me enviou um texto, ele estava numa fila fora dum supermercado na Ericeira e estava a chover!)

Portanto é possival passar as horas no jardim. Eu passo muito tempo em trabahar com as plantas de legumes; tenho nabos, cenouras, couves e feijãos. Tenho também floras e um arvore de maça. O proximo mês vou plantar tomates e pepinas.

Sem duvida a situaçáo de falta a comida no supermercados melhorar; pode até encontrar o papel higiênico! Mas agora não existem ovos por causa de todo o mundo estão a fazer bolos!

Ir as compras pôr um problema para nós, mas o maximo dos supermercados fazer entragas para compras ‘on line’; mas precisa de ser sorte para ganhar um ‘slot’ de entraga.

Isolamento é horrival , mas pode-se conversar com a famália no skype e no telefone. A minha esposa passa uma hora por dia em conversar com a nossa neta em Portugal, ela tem cinco anos e também é em isolamento; creo que é muito mais dificile para criančas ficam em casa o tempo todo

. Estes são tempos difficeis, pelo menos minha esposa e eu ainda está a conversar um como o outro!

Até a proxima.n