Olá from Ireland

Hello all!

Just checking here to say a quick hello! After many weeks of searching for useful european Portuguese content I am so impressed with the whole Practice Portuguese package and so happy to have found it!

Having first visited Portugal as a child over 40 years ago, I have been a tourist visitor countless times since and just love everything about the Country and people. Yet, my level of speaking/comprehending Portuguese has never ventured beyond the most basic of greetings and requests. I am excited to start on my journey to upping my game and look forward to browsing all the various resources on offer, including the forum here too!

All the best!



Olá, @noddypilot e bem-vindo! Thanks for posting and sharing your story. I hope PP helps you make good progress and that you get to show off your new Portuguese skills on your upcoming visits to the country :slight_smile:

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