O Reflexivo "-mo"?

Eu tenho uma pergunta sobre uma sentença que eu li no livro, A Minha Vida, de Mohandas K. Gandhi. A sentença é essa:

“Ele era amigo do Sr. Kahn, e quando este descobriu nele uma inclinação por experiências espirituais mais profundas, apresentou-mo ”.

Eu já vi isso reflexivo “ -mo ” várias vezes neste livro, e queria entender porque o final reflexivo não está “apresentou- me ”?
[Talvez “o” + “meu" = "-mo”??]

Isso é usado no português atual?

Muito obrigado pela sua ajuda! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @David2019,

I think you’re right except that -mo = -me + o (not meu + o), meaning “introduced him to me”.

If it was “introduced me to him”, would it be “apresentou-me-lhe”???
Or can you cheat and say “apresentou-me a ele”???

Somewhere I’ve seen -lho too, which presumably is -lhe + o

The more I think about this, the more my head hurts.
@Joseph, help please!!!



Thanks, @Jeremy, for this input! Yes, I am eagerly awaiting @Joseph’s clarification–the suspense is growing! :upside_down_face:

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My guess:
apresentou-mo (me para isso).
He was a friend of Mr. Kahn’s, and when he discovered an inclination for deeper spiritual experiences in him, he introduced me (me to this) me-para-isso.
( -to the spiritual experience)


Hi, @amkjers! I would bet that you are right in it being “me para isso”! That makes perfect sense! I understood to what the expression was referring, i.e., the spiritual experience, but I just had never seen this contraction, resulting in “-mo”. I can’t imagine that it is very commonly used, as I have never seen or heard it elsewhere, but maybe it is! Thank you so much for this information! :slightly_smiling_face:

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This contraction is definitely still in use and @Jeremy was spot on: -mo = -me + o (not meu + o), meaning “introduced him to me”. So, not the spiritual experiences, but either Mr. Kahn or his friend. This is not intuitive at all, because it feels like the direct and indirect objects (‘him’ and ‘me’, respectively) are flipped, but that’s how it is. And it couldn’t just be ‘apresentou-me’ because then, there would be no direct object. The question Who or what is being introduced to you? would be left unanswered.

You should know that even native speakers struggle with these extra sophisticated contractions and will do their best to avoid them (when they don’t just mess it all up). For the most part, they’re reserved for formal/literary writing.

Also, if it were “introduced me to him”, you should definitely say “apresentou-me a ele”. And it’s not cheating, it’s the only correct option! :slight_smile:


So, it’s not as simple as “Gandhi, meet José”! :hear_no_evil:
Thank you very much, @Joseph, for this very clear explanation of this “mysterious” -mo!
And thanks, again, to @Jeremy and @amkjers for joining in on this quest to learn the Portuguese language!