O cão já comeu o bastante

What in the name of in-translateble sentences is this…?
Literal: the dog already ate “the” enough …
French: Le chien a deja mangé “le” assez
Dutch: De hond heeft al “de” genoeg gegeten

This is sentence i can’t translate in any language I know… very confusing. It says because bastante acts like a noun but why would you add “o” and could you just leave it out…?

@andy_vander_vlist, please refer to this Learning Note, where this is explained in detail (in case you haven’t read it yet): Bastante, Quase, and Realmente | Practice Portuguese

The definite article “o” is what indicates the use of bastante as a noun and gives it its specific meaning of “enough”. If you remove “o”, the meaning changes to “The dog already ate plenty” (which could be more than what would be enough for it).

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Thanks Joseph, I haven’t read that learning note yet. Still after reading it it remains the most confusing word I have come to see up intill now. I always couldm make sense of it by either translating words to french or dutch. Especially dutch has a surprising amount of similiar sentence structures. Anyhow thanks, this one will take a long long time to get used to