New Feature: Flash Cards (Smart Review)

The initial Smart Review mode we launched used the similar variety of question types from the Lessons.

However, when you’re at the point that you’re reviewing material with the goal of long-term learning, (who isn’t!?), we feel strongly that Flash Cards are an invaluable tool.

Here it is:

Instead of using process of elimination or recognition, Flash Cards force you to use 100% recall. You have to dig in your memory to produce the Portuguese translation before flipping the card over, then be honest with yourself about whether you correctly recalled the phrase or not.

Keeping your Smart Review up to date daily (especially while using this new Flash Card mode) will ensure you don’t forget what you’re learning in the Units.

We’re excited to hear your feedback! Also, we are keeping the old quiz-style Smart Review
around for a while until we get an idea of whether you still find it useful or not. Flash Cards are much faster to fly through as well, which is especially important to keep up with the backlog as you continue gathering new phrases from the Units.

Ps. Power user tip: if you’re on the computer, you can navigate the cards using just the 2 arrow keys on your keyboard: Right (flip card / mark correct) and Left (mark as incorrect)


I like this addition to the Smart Review, @joelrendall! And obviously, another benefit is that it “forces” us to speak out loud (hopefully!) :slightly_smiling_face:


I just tried the Flash cards for the first time. I wasn’t using it properly until I read this explanation. My bad. I’ll give it another try tomorrow. After first try, I think I like the “old style” better but will come back to this post after a week or so to see if I feel the same way.

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Keep with it Chod.
Its usefulness to you may depend on your progress with the units and your general understanding.
For me the quiz format with its requirement just to fit in words or repeat from a dialogue has lulled me into a false sense of security but the greater challenge of the flash cards has told me that I still have so much to learn.
Good hunting!


I couldn’t have said it better myself, @mac.cummings. It forces us to keep ourselves honest and makes it clearer to ourselves whether we are ready to use the words/phrases in conversation. :muscle:

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This is great @joelrendall

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I think this is a great adjustment for those who are a bit further along, I would however keep the Quiz Style for people to progress to the Flash Cards once they are confident.

One question though @joelrendall, if you get a Flash Card right first time through does it automatically go into your short term memory bank? My numbers in there have rocketed now hahaha.


Glad you like, and good point about keeping the Quiz mode around.

It usually takes a few successful attempts across gradually increasing time intervals for a phrase to be upgraded to the next level. If you get it wrong, then it will take an additional attempt later for it to be upgraded to the next level. (So depending on the level, you’re looking at between 2-4 times). Of course, let us know if your experience doesn’t seem to line up with that estimation :wink:


Thanks for the explanation of how to use the flash cards, this is a fantastic technique. I really love the developments in this program.

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I actually didn’t like the Flash Cards at first as I was used to Quiz Style, but honestly both have great advantages. The Quiz Style allows you to practice your typing skills, which in turn help you with spelling and reading Portuguese. This is great if you plan to become a court reporter or secretary in Portugal someday. :slight_smile: However, the Flash Cards allow you to practice pronunciation much more. And, although it’s often horrifying to compare my accent to Rui’s, it helps tremendously with the ability to speak and the speed with which you can recall words and phrases.


I am so grateful for these flash cards. It is a reality check, because I have been clicking away at the units for years, and accessing jornais e TV, but these flash cards have verified how appalling my memory and recall is. I barely get 2-3 terms correct and can review a single word maybe 4 times before it finally goes in. I am very old but still, for all the hours I have studied this language, this is the reality. So thank you team, because now I finally think I will progress.


Exactly my experience Roberta. But what I find is that for flash cards about things I want, do or need in my everyday time when I am in Portugal I am almost fluent.
A bit of an overstatement I know but, hey…!

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Fantástico :clap: impressionante!
very happy with this new learning technology. It’s fun and a little bit more rigorous :pray:


Joel I have been using the flash cards incorrectly 1) as a handy reminder rather than a test, easy peasy I thought, DOH ! 2) I was marking myself with a tick for everything
I shall try to do better, Sir :joy:


I love the flash cards, like Patmulholland, I too was ticking everything initially, thinking I have got that now, instead of I already know it. I find the variety of words and phrases very helpful with revision, it is a great reminder of what I don’t know.
Thanks again for this brilliant website which is already comprehensive, but always developing new and different aspects to learning this interesting, but difficult to master language. I feel privileged to live in Portugal, so it is my mission to achieve enough fluency to communicate effectively one day.
Thanks again,


Hi @joelrendall, thank you to you and the team for the flash cards - they are a great addition to the site :smiley:

The power tip of right and left arrow keys is also a great feature and is super-helpful - I now use those arrow keys all the time. A question: do you think it would be sensible or possible to have the ‘up’ and ‘down’ arrows to play the fast and slow audio recordings? Just an idea :smiley:

Thank you and best wishes, Peter


Not a bad idea at all! Do you find yourself frequently wanting to replay the audio in the Flash Cards as you go through them?

Hi @joelrendall, Great! Yes, I frequently replay the audio when I hear my own pronunciation is incorrect. Repeatedly listening and repeating the correct pronunciation is really helpful in improving my own pronuncation.


I can recall the phrases but only after thinking hard for many seconds - and this is my problem when trying to hold a conversation. I understand but cannot reply quickly enough. how is practising with the flash cards going to help with conversation? (Not critical just curious)

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For me Chris repetition is the key. But also my incentive is to deal first with those things in life which I do or want on a daily basis when in Portugal.
I am far from fluent in Portuguese. I get the majority of flash cards wrong…even if it is just one word I mark it wrong but repeat the correct phrase. There are times when having automatically chosen to answer in a different way but know mine to be a fair alternative, I mark it wrong but at the same time try to commit the answer on the card to memory. Thus giving me an alternative way of saying the same thing!
When I visit a restaurant I automatically say “quereria uma mesa para duas (ou tres ou…) pessoas, se faz favor”…no translation, no thought process! If I want a beer I simply say “Uma imperial se faz favor” .
And there are many others which I have learned. I can only put it down to repetition!
There are so many other words and phrases which I use without noticable thought!
Recently the flash cards have helped me be more colloquial when asking for a coffee. “Era uma bica por favor”.
This is a long way of saying it will come. Be patient. Every day a word becomes embedded in my aged memory banks but I still get so much wrong.
Boa sorte