Is it possible to do Smart Review Portuguese -> English instead of the inverse?

I would love to use Smart Review to pair Portuguese words to their English meaning as opposed to just English → Portuguese. I don’t see a way to swap them, but this would be a huge bonus! Am I missing a setting or is this a feature request?


Thanks for sharing this feature request with us! I just wanted to let you know that this is currently being planned :slight_smile:


Yay! I’ve been using the app for 45 days now, and it’s been a wonderful experience. Do you have a rough timeline of when this will be delivered? I know plans and priorities can change, but I’m curious if there’s an ETA at this point. This is the feature I’m most excited about, so I appreciate that it’s on the docket!

Sorry for delay, both on this reply as well as on delivering this feature. Flipping the language is a priority for us, (at least in Flash Cards but we should also be able to include it in the Listen and Speak mode without much complexity).

This is connected to a large scope of foundational updates we are working on. It’s hard to say how long it will take, but I’m going to talk to our programmer to try and push through flipping the language in at least the Listen and Speak mode, since it seems like it shouldn’t be too complex.

Thanks for your feedback and patience!