Hello PP community. I’m trying to figure out how to get my Portuguese citizenship card. I already have citizenship. I’m in Massachusetts (USA) and when I call the two local consulates (Boston and New Bedford) the message says to use the website to set up an appointment. And when I go to the Website it tells me that, even though there’s no calendar to choose dates from, there are no appointments. There seems to be no way around either of these.
I will be in Portugal again this summer and I’m wondering where one goes to get their citizenship card. Do I have to go to Lisboa or are there more local government building options?
Thanks in advance!
I don’t know if this applies to your situation. It seems that it might. There is a site: https://justica.gov.pt/Registos/Identificacao/Cartao-de-Cidadao#Quempodepedir
that has a bunch of information about who can request a Cartão de Cidadão.
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Hi, Denise! I am experiencing the exact same thing with the Washington, DC office. The only thing that can be done is to keep trying. It may be due to staff shortage. Good luck! 
I am from the UK but got my Portuguese citizenship last year so I hope this might be useful. Government offices seem to release appointments only a few at a time. It may be the same where you are in which case keep going back to the website to see if new ones have been released.
If you wait until you come to Portugal, you only need to visit your local Registo. Now the restrictions have been lifted it may no longer be necessary to make an appointment. Just grab a ticket (senha) when you arrive and wait for your number to come up. (Take a book to read!!!) Make sure you take your citizenship document with you. They will check the details and take your fingerprints.
Good luck!