Hi from The Azores and The Netherlands

Hi all, just a short introduction… I am Rob, living in The Netherlands and together with my girlfriend Daphne we bought a house at the Azores now almost 2 years ago. We have a beautiful house with an amazing ocean view and are planning to live there for 6 months or more per year (so move over covid!). This off course means that we should learn Portuguese and eventhough we manage in daily Azorean life (somehow :wink: we feel the need to get back to study again. A problem is the typical Azorian pronounciation which is a bit difficult (understatement!) but I hope that studying European Portuguese will help me to understand the people on these islands as well :slight_smile:

Thanks for the website and the podcasts, I hope to learn more about this beautiful language!

Até logo!

imagine having this view but being stuck in The Netherlands! :hot_face:


Hi Rob,

Welcome to the forum from your home country.
I hope you will have a great time here and learn a lot.
And of course that you can go back to the Azores to practice everything you’ve learned!

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Great view indeed! Thanks for posting, Rob :sunglasses:

Ola Rob! On what island did you purchase a house? My mom is originally from Terceira and I visited there about 5 years ago. My husband and I had plans to visit again this summer for our honeymoon but then COVID happened.

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We have a house in Mosteiros (Sao Miguel)… in a sense this was funny… we only visited the Azores twice but we fell in love and bought the house without too much thought… eventhough our kids were still living at home… Now our youngest will go to university soon and we can finally live here for 6 months a year. Terceira is also beautiful, we loved the city and the island! Hope covid will end soon so you and your husband can enjoy the island(s) again!


It’s easy to fall in love with the islands! That’s great you’ll be able to spend part of the year there. Very exciting!

You’ll enjoy the best sunsets from Mosteiros!

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Yes, such a different accent and pronunciation in the Açores! Now that I am learning Proper European Portuguese, my mother’s Açorean accent (she’s 94!) hurts my ears. :wink:Keep studying!

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Oi Rob,
Tudo bem? Como está seu Português agora? Já fala bem?
Eu sou Paul, estou morando em Amsterdam e estudei Português do Brasil, porque meu namorado é Brasileiro. Já faço isso desde 10 anos. Ultimamente estou interessado em aprender um pouco mais de Português e achava legal aprender um pouco de Português de Portugal.
Para estudar Português mais num nível mais avançado é difícil achar na Holanda. Todas as outras línguas têm estudos avançados, mas na Língua Portuguesa não.
Espero que ‘Practice Portugues’ possa me ajudar avançar um pouquinho mais.

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Olá, @paulmauer. Acho que vais sentir que o maior desafio na transição do português brasileiro para o europeu é a pronúncia (muito mais fechada no caso dos portugueses). Mas com esforço, conseguirás :slight_smile: