I am learning European Portuguese because I will be hiking part of the Camino Portugués in June. I am finding the pronunciation surprisingly difficult. “Surprising” because I speak French, which also has nasal vowels, and have a PhD in linguistics, so I understand articulatory phonetics (what people do with their mouths etc. to make sounds) and also phonology (sound systems), including how the context of a sound can affect its pronunciation.
But the Portuguese vowels are so hard for me! I play words like tem and ten over and over again and can’t figure out what the speakers are doing. They don’t sound at all like French nasal vowels.
The alternations between s/sh as pronunciations of “s”, and open/closed vowels, are also driving me nuts. I know that s is pronounced sh at the end of syllables but this rule doesn’t seem absolute. Likewise it seems that not every unstressed open vowel is pronounced close. So when I look at a word I am not sure how it’s supposed to be pronounced. I am obviously missing some subtleties.
I expect that if I am patient, do a lot of listening and repeating, and dive deeper into the lessons, I’ll figure it out. But as I said, I’m surprised. I wonder if other newbies have a similar reaction.
PS I’m a Spanish teacher, so the vocabulary and grammar are mostly a piece of cake.