Happening today: read any book in any language and discuss in Portuguese online meeting

The New Bedford MA library is one of the only US based libraries with an entire section devoted to Eu. Portuguese. Lack of interaction is causing them to consider closing and we don’t want to lose this valuable resource, so if you can make it today at 11am EDT, 4pm Portugal time, please do!

This library carries an extensive selection of books in various genres, and you can order them to borrow through any other US public library. Participation in this online book club will help keep this resource open and available, so please come if you can.

is it on Zoom? do you have a link? if this is weekly I could do it

So sorry, the link didn’t get posted. It will be monthly on zoom. Here’s the info:

Sandra who works in a public library in MA in the US has an online book club chat group starting. Read a book in any language, but discuss it with the group only in Portuguese. https://newbedford-casadasaudade-ma.whofi.com/calendar/event/110998 Feel free to pass it on.

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