Going to the barber’s/hairdresser’s

Olá a todos,

Mudei-me recentemente para os Açores e preciso imenso de um corte de cabelo, mas tenho medo de ir à barbearia! Existem muitas unidades muito informativas nesta plataforma, no entanto, o que falta (pelo menos para mim!) é uma unidade sobre as visitas à barbearia/ao cabeleireiro.

Tenho medo porque sei que quando eu chegar e me sentar na cadeira, vou esquecer-me de todo o meu português… E o mais importante, não sei como pedir o que pediria se ainda estivesse na Inglaterra.

Poderiam ajudar-me, por favor? Se não têm tempo para criar uma nova unidade sobre isto, eu agradeceria muito uma lista simples dos diferentes cortes de cabelo em português europeu!

E por favor, se houver erros no que escrevi, corrijam-mos!



@ward.edan, há tantas opções de cortes/tratamentos/etc., que o mais fácil talvez seja tu dizeres o que procuras e tentarmos traduzir isso. Entretanto, este podcast reúne bastante vocabulário útil para idas ao cabeleireiro e pode ser um bom ponto de partida :slight_smile: Cabelos, Tesouras e Desilusões

Thank you, Joseph! I love podcasts, so I’ll definitely listen to that. The terminology I was looking for was basically the standard cut that you may get at the barber’s, so I’ll list a few below:

  • Buzz Cut

  • Fade (a skin fade, for example)

  • Beard trim

  • Shave

  • Wash, blow-dry and style

  • Perhaps a request like “Short on the sides, neatened on top”, or “Could you just trim the top with scissors please?”

  • Other requests such as “Could you cut it a little shorter please” or “Can you thinnen it please?” (I know “thinnen” isn’t technically a verb, but I find it is used so often that it pretty much is nowadays :joy:)

  • Anything else that you can think of!

I would also be grateful for any other Podcasts recommendations that you may have! I have just been getting into the Practice Portuguese one, and I’m looking for a football one (perhaps one about Portuguese football?) It’s impossible to find something that isn’t Brazilian…


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Great, the podcast above has almost all of the vocab/expressions you need :slight_smile:

There’s always a possibility that other words are used in the Açores, so go with an open mind, hah. Images always help to clarify what you want.

There’s not much I can recommend, but I’ve heard of this one about football: Matraquilhos . I’m sure there are many others. If you’d like, you can open a new topic for everyone to add their suggestions/findings!


Grandes Adeptos is the podcast my husband listens to; there are three “moderators”, each a fan of the big leagues in Portugal: Sporting, Porto, and Benfica. He says, “they go at it!”

Thank you both! I’ll give Matraquilhos a go to see how it is, and Grandes Adeptos sounds right up my street, too!

I went to the barber’s and it all went fine in the end, so I really appreciate your help and this website :blush:

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How about “trim my eyebrows”? Some of us old dudes start to get the wild eyebrows. The barber in my price range/budget speaks no English. Great job on the haircut, but I was hesitant to try and explain the unkempt brows.

On a visit to Porto a year back, visiting the barber was probably the most stress I’ve ever felt in my feeble attempts at communicating. I managed to tell him shorter on the top, sides and back, and thinner on the top. He asked something about the electric clippers and I managed to blurt out tessoras.

It all worked out well and for 9e I was pretty happy.


@mcinnamonfitch, to trim = aparar, and you can apply it to any kind of hair. You probably can also just say “arranjar as sobrancelhas” (fix the eyebrows) or “fazer as sobrancelhas” (do the eyebrows).

@stephencanthony, even speaking Portuguese, barbers won’t always do exactly what you want! At least yours did a good job :slight_smile:


Hi Joseph, can you help me with these words and phrases? Thank you!

(I have) Curly hair
Trim the ends
Please don’t use (hair) product
I’m allergic to scents/fragrances
There’s no need to blow dry
I don’t want it straightened
Cut per curl; don’t comb the hair straight to cut
long layers held at a 45 degree (rather than 90 degree) angle


There may be a million words for female hairstyles that I’m not familiar with, so don’t take me as an authority on this :sweat_smile:

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FYI We recently added a video following Joel as he gets a haircut in Portugal: O Joel Vai ao Cabeleireiro

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