Covid Vaccination Questions


I am getting vaccinated this week at the vaccination center and was wondering if anybody could tell me what questions they ask in Portuguese or which vocabulary might come up?

I am worried I’ll get there and not understand anything that they’ll ask me, so would appreciate if anybody could point me in the right direction.

Muito obrigada!


Olá, @Christine. This shorty should help: O Dia da Vacina
It’s based on the official questionnaire healthcare professionals should go through just before vaccination. In any case, you’ll probably find someone who speaks at least some English, if necessary :slight_smile:


Muito obrigada Joseph, exactly what I had been looking for! That puts me a bit at ease :slight_smile:

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That lesson was great - it really helped us, just got to wait for the next jab …


I got this from the Health Department

There will be a questionnaire with the following:

1 Está doente hoje?
2. Tem tosse, febre, dificuldade respiratória ou alterações do paladar ou do olfato?
3.Teve contacto com um caso confirmado de COVID-19 nos últimos 14 dias?
4 Recebeu alguma vacina nas últimas 2 semanas?
5. Teve, anteriormente, alguma reação alérgica grave (reação anafilática/edema da glote) a uma vacina?
6. Teve, anteriormente, reações alérgicas graves (reação anafilática/edema da glote) sem causa identificada?
7 Tem alergia conhecida a excipientes?
8 Tem doenças da coagulação?
9 Toma anticoagulantes?
10 Tem alguma doença que afete a , anteriormente, reações alérgicas graves (reação anafilática/edema da glote) sem causa identificada?
11. Tem alguma doença que afete a imunidade?

I got this from the Health Department

Then you will just check the corresponding box:
Não sabe

It’s basic Portuguese so I hope you understand the questions.

Hope this helps.


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Hi we have had our vaccination but have been unable to download our certificate from the sns portal. Anyone having this problem? Sorry not relevant to Practice Portuguese but in desperation.

@gardners when did you have you second/last dose? Normally, you have to wait 15 days for you to be able to access your certificate.

Hope this helps.

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Thank you so much, we thought that may be the case.

Thanks so much for sharing the questionnaire. With the shorty that I looked at before my vaccination, I was happy to then understand all the questions on the day itself. Just wanted to give a quick feedback that everything was so well organized on that day and everybody was really helpful.