Contextual differences in 2 phrases?

Do the following phrases mean exactly the same thing please or are there subtle differences?
Ando a aprender coisas novas
Tenho aprendido coisas novas.

@maureenlister1 In terms of meaning, I don’t distinguish between them. In terms of use, “ando a aprender” is a more colloquial structure than “tenho aprendido”.

I don’t understand this reply. First of all, I thought the correct translation of ‘I am learning’ is ‘estou a aprender’. Secondly, ‘tenho aprendido’ means ‘I have learnt’. So how can they have the same meaning?

I agree with Lannybezant. To my knowledge:
Ando a aprender - is the present continuous. The action is happening now, in the present time
Tenho aprendido - is the past, The action is finished. (Pretérito perfeito-composto)
It isn’t correct? I translate from spanish and can be wrong, so I would like to know if I’m wrong,

That’s correct! The English present continuous (to be -ing) follows the above structure (estar + a + infinitive) in Portuguese.

The change of auxiliary verb in Andar + a + infinitive is enough to give this structure a different sense than the present continuous, bringing it closer to what in English would be the present perfect continuous (have been -ing). So, ando a aprender = I’ve been learning (rather than I am learning).

Depending on the verb and context at hand, the pretĂ©rito perfeito composto may correspond to the English present perfect, but also (and more often so) to the present perfect continuous. Apart from it, the English present perfect may also be expressed in the simple past (pretĂ©rito perfeito), for example, or even the simple present in Portuguese. The two languages are different and their tenses don’t perfectly align with each other, which does require some abstraction when comparing them.

Present Perfect

  • I have been to this place before. = Eu (jĂĄ) estive neste lugar antes. (pretĂ©rito perfeito)
  • We have never met. = NĂłs nunca nos conhecemos. (pretĂ©rito perfeito)
  • I have lived here since I was born. = Eu vivo aqui desde que nasci. (simple present)
  • I have worked here for ten years. = Eu trabalho aqui hĂĄ dez anos. (simple present)
  • I haven’t had time to look at this. = NĂŁo tenho tido tempo para olhar para isto. (pretĂ©rito perfeito composto!)
  • I have travelled a lot lately. = Eu tenho viajado muito ultimamente. (also pretĂ©rito perfeito composto)

Present Perfect Continuous (always = pretérito perfeito composto)

  • We have been arguing a lot. = NĂłs temos discutido muito.
  • I have been studying every day. = Eu tenho estudado todos os dias.
  • I have been thinking of you. = Eu tenho pensado em ti.
  • I have been trying to improve. = Eu tenho tentado melhorar.

@mrioslisb78, I hope the above also answers your question.