Challenge #4: Transcribe these clips!

You know the drill:
• Transcribe Portuguese text
• Optional: 1) EN translation and 2) Name the episode!





Boa sorte!!

  1. “Deito logo mãos a obra.” - *I honestly have no idea what this means - doing something soon with your hands?

  2. “Estou loucamente apaixonado para ti, desde o primeiro momento em que te vi.” - I’m madly in love with you, from the first moment I saw you.

  3. “Minhas irmãs, preciso de vossa ajuda.” - My sisters, I need your help.

  4. “Tão belo era o seu rosto, como eram feios os seus pés.” Her/his/it’s face was as beautiful, as her/his/it’s feet were ugly.

O último clip deu uma grande dica (sobre a origem) - pés da cabra? :goat:

  1. Deitou logo mãos a obra. - Something about soon…and hands…and work… Putting your hands to work??? Não faço ideia. I don’t remember what “deitar” means.

  2. Estou loucamenta apaixonada por ti desde primeiro momento em que te vi. - Something like “I have been crazy in love with you from the first moment I saw you.”

  3. Minhas irmãs, preciso de vossa ajuda. - My sisters, I need your help.

  4. Tão belo era o seu roste como eram feios os seus pés. - Something like “Its face was as beautiful as its feet were ugly” (Or could be his or her or your(formal), though I’m not sure how often you would formally tell someone how ugly their feet are :smile:)


I played this episode on repeat a million times at work because it was the only one I could get to work, so I believe the answer was “He threw himself into his handiwork” in their version of the translations


Oh no! Technical difficulties? Sorry about that, I’ve made a note to reach out to you directly in the next day or so to troubleshoot. :nerd_face:

Oh no no. It’s just bc we have bad WiFi. Don’t troubleshoot!

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Ah ok! Just reach out to us anytime. I can at least email PDF transcriptions etc to tide you over whenever wifi gets bad!

Nice job on this one too guys! Gonna have to make these more challenging in the future…

A Lenda da Rapariga com Pés de Cabra image


1: Deitou logo mãos à obra.
He immediately put his hands to work. (He got to work!)

2: Estou loucamente apaixonado por ti desde o primeiro momento em que te vi!
I am crazily in love with you, since the first moment that I saw you!

3: Minhas irmãs, preciso da vossa ajuda.
My sisters, I need your help.

4: Tão belo era o seu rosto, como eram feios os seus pés
Her face was as beautiful as her feet were ugly

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