Challenge #2: Transcribe these audio clips!

Here are 4 more clips. What are they saying? (Bonus points: Translate to English too!)




  1. Aqui tens os documentos e os cartões de embarque. (Here you have the documents and the flighttickets.)

  2. Eu tenho o meu cartão cidadão. (I have my citizencard)

  3. Estás muito chato hoje. (You are very boring today)

  4. Não entenda que homem que mal criado (You dont understand that a man is a bad servant…:cold_sweat:

  1. Aqui tem os documentos e os cartões de embarque. - Here you have the documents and the boarding passes.
  2. Eu tenho o meu Cartão Cidadão - I have my Citizen Card.
  3. Estás muito chato hoje. - You are very boring today.
  4. Não entendo aquele homem. Que mal ??criado??criavo?? - I don’t understand that man. How bad…something??

Nice, guys! I’ll save the solutions for another day or so to see if anyone else is brave enough to take a stab at one or more of these.

At the very least, I think these clips could be interesting for lurkers to check out later even if (understandably) not everyone is posting their guesses publicly…

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  1. Aqui tens os documentos e os cartões de embarque.
  2. Eu tenho o meu cartão cidadão.
  3. Estás muito chato, hoje.
  4. Não entendo aquele homem. Que malcreado!
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Nice, another risk taker!

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Naw, it’s not risky. This is a safe space :innocent::pray:

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Good job guys and gals! Here are the answers:

1: Aqui tem os documentos e os cartões de embarque.
Here you have our documents and boarding passes.

2: Eu tenho o meu cartão de cidadão.
I have my identification card.

3: Estás muito chato hoje.
You’re really annoying/unpleasant today.

4: Não entendo aquele homem, que mal criado!
I don’t understand that man, how rude!

It’s from “Uma Viagem a Marraquexe”

Have you heard the entire episode yet?


Haha this is an interesting one. You’re right, criado can translate to servant. However, in this expression, mal criado, it comes from the verb “criar”, which means “to create” or “to raise”. So since the man is rude, it is literally said that he’s “badly raised” :joy:


Chato – I love this word because it’s so versatile!

As you mentioned, it can mean “boring”, (often when referring to an activity, for example).

In this context, a better translation is annoying or unpleasant. This word is heard a lot in informal conversation. Rui mentioned just the other day that “irritante” is an alternative for when you don’t want to be quite so informal.

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Aqui tem os documentos e os cartões de embarque
Here are the documents and the boarding passes
Eu tenho o meu cartão de cidadão
I have my Citizan Card
Estás muito chat hoje
You are a real bore today
Não entendo aquel homem. Que mal criado!
I don’t understand that man. What a rude person!


Agora os clipes não funcionam? O é por causa d’um ‘pop-up blocker’?

@andradejoey, este desafio é muito antigo (5 anos) e os links já não estão ativos. Mas tens aqui o diálogo de onde os áudios foram extraídos: Uma Viagem a Marraquexe | Practice Portuguese