Hi Giusi!
I went to a presentation by the founder of the Mimic Method in Lisbon.
I don’t have experience using the course. Everything he presented seemed to make perfect sense - he is very focused on pronunciation and mimicking (as you would expect!). So, if pronunciation is your focus it might be worth a try. I was interested in giving it a go - the price tag puts me off, personally!
I have found the book Fluent Forever by Gabriel Wyner (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fluent-Forever-Gabriel-Wyner/dp/0385348118/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=) to be very useful for pronunciation in general. A very large part of the book is dedicated to pronunciation and it all comes at the beginning, as he believes pronunciation is fundamental.
(A small aside: From what I’ve heard and read from language learning ‘gurus’, it is important to get pronunciation right from the start as it is very difficult to go back and correct bad habits in this area - although, you can be much more free and easy with other aspects of language learning).
In the book, he instructs you to make your own flashcards specifically for pronunciation and ‘training your ear’ (if you can’t hear the difference between sounds, you will not be able to produce those sounds faithfully).
‘Minimal pairs’ is a big part of the training - it might be useful to do a little Google search to understand the concept. (If any of the PP team are reading - some content on minimal pairs might be a nice addition to the site.)
I found this book good for going deep into pronunciation and really deepening general understanding around the topic.
(The book will even help you learn the International Phonetic Alphabet - depending on your style of learning this could be useful for Portuguese and any other language you chose to learn).
I remember an old video on pronunciation with Rui and Joel that really fits well with this.
This is the video I’m thinking of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AueYstylt2o (it’s just vowel sounds, but very useful).
In producing the flashcards with Fluent Forever, you will need to find your own resources. These are the resources I used:
Minimal pairs: https://european-portuguese.info/minimalpairs
Sounds: https://european-portuguese.info/
Linguee online dictionary (https://www.linguee.com/) is a great resource as well - it’s just a translation dictionary, but you can listen to the word being pronounced in European Portuguese or Brazilian Portuguese (someone has even made a Chrome extension to help you easily download the sound files from this site).
Wikipedia is a good resource as well:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/Portuguese (This will give you an idea of the ‘54 elemental sounds’)
I’ve probably written too much already!
I can’t comment specifically on the Mimic Method course - the ideas behind it seem sound and I’m sure it will be presented well.
I would recommend Fluent Forever for a more ‘self learning’ style deep dive into pronunciation - you’ll learn a lot of things along the way (including how to make and use flashcards) that might help you with your language learning.
Hope this has helped in some way!