Anyone interested in starting a study group in Lisbon?

I’ve been thinking about organising a weekly fun group to tackle portuguese topics that we might find challenging. I’m currently working in Lisbon. I’m study portuguese at an A2 level, but my coworkers don’t speak English. In that, I might say that my comprehension ability is at a B1 level. Let me know what you think. It would be cool to build some community from this programme.

P.S respect to all of you for learning Portuguese.

There is a study group in Lisbon that can be found on the meet up app and takes place every Tuesday (in person) and Wednesday (online).

Penso que, se tens um nível A2/B1 e queres formar um grupo para melhorar o teu português com pessoas de um nível semelhante, o primeiro passo deve ser escrever em português. Não é?