Alternatives to O CIPLE, including online

If you live in Portugal, you may be able to get into free Portuguese courses with an exam at the end that fulfills the requirements for citizenship. There are long waiting lists to get in, and they can be rather intense courses. But it is an option that at least one of us has successfully managed.

There is another. offers intensive online courses at multiple different times, so people outside of Portugal have overlap with waking hours. The A1/A2 final exam is sufficient to establish legal credentials for citizenship. I have signed up for their course running late April to early July, and it is basically a part-time job with 15 to 20 hours a week of class time alone.

I am also signed up for the November O CIPLE. I figure this online course will be a good preparation and if I happen to manage to pass the exam in July, so much the better. The online course topic areas map nicely to some areas from Practice Portuguese. I am sure I will be leaning hard on the learning notes in particular since they are the best I’ve seen.

There are other companies offering similar things. If anyone has experience or impressions, I’d love any tips you have to share. And I’ll try to remember to update here in July after I’ve completed the course.


EdPro certainly sounds like an interesting option. I have lots of questions :grin:.

The website is very vague in places and I’m left wondering whether there is a catch; they refer to fees, but never say how much (and persistently evade questions about this on their Facebook page); they talk about certification, but again the details are unclear; the website appears to be entirely in English, which seems unusual. Call me a cynic, but is this too good to be true? Language schools in Portugal typically charge about 2000€ for 150 hours of tuition, without the CIPLE, and can present lots of student testimonies.

I look forward to your update. In the meantime, I wish you happy learning and much success with Portuguese.

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Some thoughts on the free courses sponsored by ACM: We didn’t experience any waiting list, but it is important to recognise, the courses line up with the academic year, so you need to apply at the right time. They are anything but intensive – two hours a week is the very opposite of intensive. As far as I know, they all take place at 19:00 to 21:00 – After school hours when the classrooms are available. That is also a good time for a lot of students who have day jobs (and they were in the majority) but it’s probably not the time when most people are most receptive to learning. Additionally, there were a lot of people in the class (Maybe 40?? - It was a while ago.) and in our opinion the teaching method was pretty old fashioned, very grammar based, but that is true of quite a lot of language teaching in Portugal – it’s as if Chomsky’s work bypassed Portugal, or maybe it was just never translated into Portuguese – who knows. (BTW: I haven’t studied any Practice Portuguese courses, so this is absolutely not a comment on them. I’ve no reason to believe they aren’t excellent!) And a second caveat: We only attended the free classes twice. For the reasons above and because we were already studying twice weekly at a private school and having private lessons - we thought this might be useful additional study, but it didn’t feel right for us. We decided very quickly it was too late in the day, (Time to be opening a bottle of wine and to start thinking about preparing dinner!) too slow, too old fashioned, too many people, etc, etc. Of course, as always, YMMV!

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I can at least help a little here on the actual offering from EdPro: 700 euros, class size up to 20, 150 hours of instruction.

It is 100% online, mostly in Portuguese with a little English for explanations. For April - July the afternoon class is 4 hours per day, typically every weekday except Tuesday (but that’s highly variable and there are shorter days scattered too.)

Cameras must on at all times, with at least 90% attendance, or they just fail you. I have hints that they record everything so they can be audited to show they are meeting national standards, but that is not yet explicit. Bleh. So it goes.

Topics, taken verbatim from email (I guess this is 1 per week)
UFCD 6452 – Me and my daily routine.
UFCD 6453 – Eating habits, culture and leisure.
UFCD 6454 – The human body, health and services
UFCD 6455 – Me and the job market
UFCD 6456 – My past and my present
UFCD 6457 – Communication and life in society

“All in accordance with the National Qualification Framework”

I share your hesitation. I asked a few times and in different ways: does this really replace O CIPLE? Really really? In part because there are other online courses that do not, including some others also recommended by our immigration lawyers, but it takes a while to figure it all out. Here is the legal justification to one of my questions:

“Edpro as a promoter entity provides this (intensive) PLA courses with our partners Qualifica Centre Network and relevant authorities under regulations and the guidelines of Ordinance No. 184/2022 of 21 July and 183/2020, of August 5.”

And from their FAQ, which was in a PDF via email:

" If I complete the Português Língua de Acolhimento (PLA) course successfully, do I have to take the Portuguese Language Exam, commonly known as the “Nationality Exam” or CIPLE?

No. After you complete 150 hours and pass the course sucessfully, you are exempted from taking the Portuguese Language Exam. You will receive a A2 Proficiency language."

My expectation is that I mostly need to teach myself, then perform what I have learned in class. In other words, depend upon Practice Portuguese and maybe some iTalki tutoring. But perhaps I will be pleasantly surprised and get something out of the course beyond reinforcement and practice. It could happen. :slight_smile:

The course starts late April, and ends the first week of July. We’re targeting a move to Portugal in late July, so taking on basically a new part-time job while packing is not my favorite. I am signed up for O CIPLE in November in Porto. If I can pass and be done in July, I will be surprised but thrilled. If not, it should put me in a better position to navigate early days after moving and then pass in November. I would REALLY like to be done in 2024.

@samarang: thank you! That’s super interesting to hear! Which region and year was this, please?


Thanks for that detailed reply. I’ve dug around a little and the ACM confirms that an A2 certificate issued by a PLA course will be accepted when applying for Portuguese citizenship or long term residence:

There is no word, however, on how the PLA courses perform the evaluation.

I’m resident in Madeira, which cares infinitely about its diaspora in Venezuela and South Africa, but not in the slightest about the immigrant population on its own shores. It’s therefore a very long swim to the nearest ACM sponsored course.

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That was Almancil in the Algarve and probably 2020(ish)

Thanks @samarang! I think that will really help other community members to better understand their options. I know there are other folks floating around here with experience; they might stop in with stories to tell. :slight_smile:

@paulwells Adoro a Madeira! As praias com areia preta e as montanhas são ótimo! :rofl: Não necessita nadar! :joy: Que bom, pode tomar as aulas da manhã ou tarde porque fica em Portugal. EdPro é um pouco caro, mas não usa uma roupa de mergulho!

I would love to know the pass rate for the final exam from EdPro, or even the format. My starting assumption was I would fail yet the list of topics looks reasonable, especially the overlaps with Practice Portuguese. EdPro do have enough students who pass to not be shy with the fees to mail the certificate, so maybe that’s a hopeful signal in some way.

I think I heard that the ACM classes @samarang found lacking in pedagogical strength have a high drop out and low final pass rate. But apparently I am off on my other impressions, so perhaps I am off there too. Here I am quietly grumbling that the 9 am to 1 pm online class time competes with my espresso schedule, never thinking through that later hours would compete with wine. Morning sounds just slightly better now from the contrast.

Honestly? 20 hours a week on camera attempting to survive the class seems rather ghastly. I really want to be done with the exam. It will be good to get back to learning for the joy of it, não é?

Boa sorte!

Updated to add: appears to be another online course that is an alternative to O CIPLE

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I’m currently on the A2 course arranged for free and held at a (not so local for me) school. It is heavy on the grammar, quite tedious in many ways, although the teachers have done their best to make it entertaining for us. Given the materials available to use, that’s not so easy. I’m finding that although I know more than I think I do, being able to pull what I need out of my brain in a moment in order to hold a conversation is still something of a struggle. I don’t want to take the CIPLE exam, so this course is the right choice for me. If we don’t meet the standard required at the end, we can just remain on the course and take the final test again, which takes a lot of the pressure off.


Ótimo! Thanks for providing this information!

I am right there with you on the challenge of being able to pull things out of my brain to speak in real time. As an example, it took a long time to figure out how to request something to drink in a cafe – grammar, vocabulary, agreement, &c. At first I had to write everything out in advance. Then I could get by just from rehearsing everything in my mind before walking into the cafe. I look forward to being able to just walk through the door without giving it a second thought. Being able to understand RTP reliably may never happen for me, but I’d like to be able to navigate basic daily life without apologizing for being such a dolt, and making life harder on others around me. I think it just takes a whole lot more practice than I would have imagined.

Good luck in your course! Please update when you pass! :trophy:

Today was the first day for my EdPro course. Of 20 students, I would say about 5 of us already speak a little Portuguese. If I were one of the 15 taking this as first-impression, I would be curled up in a ball in the corner right now. Practice Portuguese is great preparation!

Each of the six topics must be passed to advance to the next module. I am not sure if the grading rubric is uniform or specific to this instructor, but for each module it is:
5% for attendance
20% participation
15% in-class activities
15% oral comprehension
15% oral expression (texts in class)
20% multiple choice quiz at the end

No homework. Participation is “great, you tried!” and designed not to be stressful. If your attendance falls below 90%, regardless of all else, you do just fail the course right there.

Good: This is such a more relaxed alternative to taking O CIPLE. Considering I had to pay for transit, food, and airbnb as well as the cost for O CIPLE, the tuition for EdPro is actually not so much more than the exam.

Bad: spending about 20 hours a week for 7 weeks is a serious commitment. Four hours in an online class today had me ready to gnaw my own arms off just for diversion. I think we need to add to the Geneva Conventions. Continuing this through July is going to be exceedingly tedious.

Best: tedium is because the course is clearly designed for everyone to pass! Ok, this is not best for the learning aspects and I would not recommend this course as a primary way to learn Portuguese. But I am ok with that. I will continue my language studies because I want to learn. It is a huge mental relief not to have to sit for a do-or-die exam. I have not given up my seat for the November exam yet, but look forward to doing so!


Update at the 1/3 mark. Today was the second exam, we have completed 50 of 150 hours, and we are switching over to the third topic.

I am quite impressed with our instructor. I don’t know how she manages to keep her energy up after working a full day, then teaching us for four hours. We covered about 300 vocabulary words just for food, which was rather daunting. We worked our way through maybe 20 irregular verbs, and a whole mess of grammar. We’ve covered ir + infinitive for the future, and will do imperative soon.

Exams make me glad I’ve had some Portuguese instruction before. There are listening sections with multiple choice, written dialogs, fill-in-the-blank, and today we had to write a simple essay about our plans for the weekend. Instead of sitting for O CIPLE once, I get to do a mini-CIPLE six or seven times. Yet where it felt like O CIPLE was tilted to be harder than it had to be, the Ed Pro exams are designed to be passed. So far all 20 of us are bumping along through it.

I am glad this option is available. It is working well for me. I do Practice Portuguese units to reinforce the material which helps tremendously too.


This is likely my final or penultimate update unless anyone has questions (feel free to AMA.)

Our last exam is on Monday. That will require some prep this weekend but I am confident I will be ready to pass it. Tuesday is paperwork, evaluations, feedback and maybe reading one last passage. And then, we’re done.

It sounds like it takes about a month get certification. I have my other paperwork in order to apply for citizenship as soon as the certification is complete.

So how did it go? I guess the top line is: very well. I believe nearly anyone willing to show up and put in effort can pass this course, and it is designed that way very carefully. O CIPLE, in contrast, feels like it is designed to not let too many people pass, and feels like much more of a roll of the dice even for highly proficient people, which I am not.

It is exhausting. 20 hours a week of online Portuguese left me with my brain hurting, literally, some weeks. Intensive is right! On the plus side there is no homework and preparation for class is minimal. I do need to allocate time prior to exams but that’s the only non-class time I feel that I need to put in. More is better, of course, but that’s not happening for me.

Ok, it’s a great way to get A2 certification, but did I learn anything? Surprisingly, yes, I learned a great deal. There are topics where I needed multiple sources to get it – class, exercises, text books, podcasts, and my go to best resource is always Practice Portuguese learning notes. I am notably slow at language acquisition so if you are not, you might need a lot less. But for the first maybe 3/4s of the course I had already done these paths for trying to learn the topics. It was not first impression; it was reinforcing what I had done before. So here I should warn that I think the course would be brutally hard for anyone walking in cold. However, if you have spent time on very basic A1 topics, know present regular conjugations at least for -ar verbs, and know maybe 4 irregular verbs (ser, estar, ter, ir) to start out, then I think it is possible to pick up the rest as you go. In other words, you can pick up what you need between the time you sign up for the course and when it starts, IMHO.

There were three areas in which the course really helped me. First, reflexive verbs. I absolutely had not figured those out “on my own” without being able to do Q&A with an instructor, and it helped to have a bunch of exercises to highlight the exceptions. Now I get why it wasn’t something I was going to figure out just by reading in Portuguese.

Second, subjunctive. It took me the longest time to understand that the Particípio actually changes to match gender and number as if it were a noun. It’s a whole messy topic but there is no way I would have figured this out without a human leading me through it. I got lucky – our teacher is excellent. The materials on this topic are not well developed online.

Third, true of any good course, just the practice of getting things wrong and getting corrections in real time. I’m still making utter beginner mistakes. It’s humbling. But I’d rather take the pain here than in “real life” after we move to Portugal.

EdPro is seeing a huge surge of interest in this course. They have temporarily stopped offering new B1 courses to try to meet demand for A1/A2. Expect a waiting list.

Again, I got lucky with an excellent instructor. No idea what the others are like. But the structure of the course should be similar.

As an alternative to O CIPLE, for me, there was no question that this was the better path. It’s much more deterministic: show up, do the work, pass. I am grateful to have had the option. I recommend it to anyone who does not like the all-or-nothing pressure of a national language exam. Anyone who is already a native level speaker might prefer the exam as a one-and-done but otherwise, I recommend EDPro.

As a way to learn Portuguese, for me, it’s more mixed. It was worth the money and even the time for the language learning aspects. But personally, I would not take this course just for the learning. For example, I might have had a better experience with half the time and fewer fellow students. 20 students reading the same passage means hearing 20 mistakes with only one instructor’s read. And 20 hours a week of anything in an online course format is brutal. You have to really want it. Citizenship is enough motivation; anything less might not be for me.

Boa sorte, and I’m happy to answer any questions.


Bom dia. I really appreciate your detailed response regarding Edpro. I plan on taking the course but if you don’t mind could you please clear up my concerns that you do indeed receive a language certificate that can be used to apply for citizenship.

Have you received your certificate from Edpro?

Have you verified that it is indeed accepted for applying for citizenship?

Do you mind sending a copy showing what it looks like if I am not asking too much (understand if you don’t want to)?

I appreciate any more information that you can give me. Thank you very much!

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Bom dia! Yes, you do indeed receive a language certificate that can be used to apply for citizenship. There is a good discussion of the legal basis from o paulwells, 13 March, in the discussion above.

It takes about three weeks to get the certificate. You will be unsurprised to hear that there are multiple bureaucracies involved. My hope is that it will be complete before everything grinds to a halt in August, but we’ll see. If I have this right, our instructor submitted grades to the group she works for (something like green zone in English?) and then they submitted to ED Pro, ED Pro sent them to a university (the current step we’re waiting for,) everything gets approved there, then printed, and then the certificate makes the round trip back. Something like that. I’m honestly not crisp on all of the players.

Once the certificate gets back to them, ED Pro contacts students and we can either pick it up in person from them in Lisbon or they’ll mail it out. I’m going to have them mail straight to my immigration lawyer’s office to submit with my citizenship application before my apostille’d documents become too old. I may never actually see the certificate.

A note on pricing – Americans are paying about 2x to 3x what laborers in Portugal are paying. I actually find this quite reasonable, and very likely reflects subsidies from the Portuguese government, but I would have appreciated more transparency and less of a surprise.

Finally, my congratulations to you for getting into the course. That is the hardest part of the whole thing! I understand from a classmate that there are now people scalping seats for 2000 euros on Facebook. :exploding_head: Yikes. I can see where it might be worth that much to have such a high degree of certainty: do the work of showing up and participating, and you will pass. Plus there are so few seats for o CIPLE that it can be a long wait right there. I just find the scalping to be obnoxious.

Bom aula!

I have now seen a photograph of my certificate, as well as a photograph of DHL leaving the mailing envelope in the immigration lawyer’s mailbox late afternoon on a Friday in August. :rofl: Everything seems to be running well.


@portugal what times were your lessons? 4 hours, 5 days a week for 7 weeks? Did i get that right? What are the exams like?

Bom dia @aac!
In my case lessons were typically 4 hours on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and 2.5 hours on Friday. However, not all weeks were the same. We were scheduled to end after 7 weeks but due to changes along the way, the course extended into the 8th week.
Note: it all depends up on the instructor. My answer may not match your future experience.
Exams were challenging but fair. The listening sections were the hardest since the recordings were much faster than I could understand as a beginner. However, I could do well enough in the written portions to make up for lost points. If you failed an exam too horribly, there was always a quiet offer to retake it. Again this likely depends upon the instructor. The idea seemed to me to be to demonstrate students understood the material, not to cause too much stress for students.
We were also given additional materials for self-study. Eventually I caught on that the dreaded recordings were in the self-study files. Ahh. As with most of life, it is much easier if you prepare. :slight_smile:
Boa sorte!

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@portugal thank you for replying so soon. Congratulations on your A2 certificate. I have been preparing for the CIPLE exam for a year now but still find the listening and speaking hard. I would love to be able to learn the language without the pressure of the exam. I stumbled across your post and it feels like Edpro would be a better route for me. Places are hard to get though. I was wondering if the weekly schedule was even doable. Sounds like 15 hours a week then? 15 hours for 7 weeks seems short of the required 150 hours. Are the exams during these 15 hours or is that a separate event/day or during weekends? Should I shut out society for 8 weeks?

@aac Thank you. I am with you – o CIPLE was very stressful for me as a one-shot deal. I took it for practice (not realizing how few spots there were) and that was educational. I learned that I did not want to have to take it again. :slight_smile:
EdPro will likely be good for you too. But figure variable 15 to 20 hours a week, up to 8 weeks. It lands like a part-time job. The exams were all during class time, perhaps an hour or two. There was very little in the way of homework but more preparation time outside of class is always helpful even when not strictly necessary. We were never asked to attend on weekends. It really feels designed for “show up, participate, you pass.”
Shutting out society is not necessary. :slight_smile: It is not so intense as that. But – this is going to sound strange – my brain literally hurt. The classes are so long and trying to keep energy up for that time is a lot.
So, what else is in your life? If you are working for a tech start up doing 90 hour weeks, this course is not for you. If you are retired, stay-at-home parent, only part-time employed, etc. then this will fit neatly without being so crazy. If you have a moderately challenging full-time job on top, hm, now it gets harder.
The instructors are sort of a random draw. I got very very lucky there.

@portugal full time parent and employee but if I can have weekends off then the school nights seem reasonable given that the certificate isn’t optional. I believe you when you say your brain hurt! But like you I would rather not have to take the exams over and over and it feels comforting to have a second option. Thank you so much for answering in so much detail. very much appreciated.