Achar vs Pensar

One of the Shorties quiz questions has me perplexed:

O que acha o Pedro dos seus jornais?

When I took this sentence (in English) into Deepl, it translated the sentence to:

O que pensa o Pedro dos seus jornais?

What is the easiest way to know which verb tense to use for “think”?



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These two verbs often overlap, but with exceptions. I actually find it difficult to explain how to properly use each one, but let’s say that pensar relates more to the act itself of thinking, while achar refers to a specific opinion you hold. In sentences such as the one you posted, they may overlap:

  • O que acha o Pedro dos seus jornais? :white_check_mark:
  • O que pensa o Pedro dos/sobre os seus jornais? :white_check_mark:

In other cases, it’s easier to see what sets them apart:

  • Estou a pensar em ti. :white_check_mark: (I’m thinking about you)
  • Estou a achar em ti. :x: (gibberish)

Achar may also mean to find. This seems more common in Brazilian Portuguese, but it’s also accepted in European Portuguese.


Obrigada Joseph. This makes much more sense to me know. I appreciate your help.


Having trouble distinguishing between these two verbs. Both translate to ‘to think’ but I can’t seem to discern when to use one over the other besides memorizing phrases.

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Portuguese seems to have several of these pairs of verbs where there is a subtle difference that we don’t have in English. I think penchar / achar is a bit like olhar / ver or falar / dizer.

Pensar = the act of thinking or pondering about something, e.g. eu penso em religião

Achar = the outcome of that thinking process, so is more used for opinions, assumptions or beliefs, e.g. eu acho que Jesus é o filho de Deus

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@warlord5122.valor, I moved your post to a previous thread on the same subject :slight_smile: Maybe my post above can help you, along with @Tomas’s reply.