Use of pronouns

Why do we say Quando é que comemos and not Quando é que nós comemos. Why was the pronoun nós left out in lesson 4 when it was used with the other pronouns, eu, tu ele, ela etc,?

@matt.azevedo76, personal pronouns in this kind of sentence are optional, since the verb conjugation is already specific for that particular pronoun (i.e. “comemos” can only refer to the 1st-person plural, not to any other grammatical person). So, throughout the units, you’ll come across exercises where the pronoun is present and others where it’s omitted, so you’re exposed to both variations as in the real world :slight_smile: “Quando é que comemos” and “Quando é que nós comemos” are both absolutely interchangeable.

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Makes sense. Muito obrigado!

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