Só or apenas? What's the difference?

Hi, I will be happy if you can clarify the difference between the two, and when and how to use each.

@idaneliakim, when used as adverbs, meaning “only” or “just”, and apenas are interchangeable :slight_smile: is arguably more used.

  • Sou eu. = Sou apenas eu. (It’s just me)
  • Tu chegaste hoje? = Tu apenas chegaste hoje? (Did you only arrive today?)

is also commonly used as an adjective (meaning “alone”, “lonely” or “single”). It’s also included in the expression só que, which means “but”. In these other cases, só and apenas are not interchangeable.

  • Nós fizemos tudo de uma vez. (We did everything at once - or, a bit more literally, "We did everything on a single turn)
  • Ele sente-se . (He feels lonely)

:blush: Thanks, that’s makes it clear. Muito obrigado.

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